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DayUntoDaySpiritual GrowthI am so grateful for John. He is the clearest teacher of the Scriptures I’ve ever listened to. And I’ve been a Christian since 1987. Every teaching on Truth & Light podcast brings me closer in my relationship with Christ. Hallelujah, praise be TO GOD. And a big thank you to John and his crew for their obedience to the Gospel.
Pastor Julio CalderinPastor Julio CalderinI work full time in a State Prison as a Chaplain and I really cannot thank you enough for this bread I consume on my way to Prison every day Thank you Eternally
MG1776KCJust what I need!Christ centered pastoral preaching! John is a teacher but he is also a preacher and this podcast is perfect to lift my soul up to Jesus every day, thank you and please continue posting these sermons!!!!
joelvonnFix Audio?Love listening when I can. Everything about the podcast is amazing except one thing: Due to Piper’s wide range of volume, when he gets quiet or whispers, I can’t hear and lose the flow. If I turn it up, it’s way to loud when he gets excited/loud. Is there a way to flatten the audio so that I can hear the quiet parts without turning way up? Thanks!
KVanAbelUpdate: give it a chance! Please post full sermons again!Update: initially I struggled with the format change. Seems altogether silly to reflect on now. I am thankful that old sermons are coming out of the archives and (if not entire sermons) then significant highlights are being republished. This new format has proved to be a tremendous blessing to me. Thank you!! ——— I have been a longtime listener to this podcast and do not like this change to 20 minute excerpts. Pastor John has far and away been the most influential preacher in my life apart from my local church, and full sermons once posted here were instrumental to my spiritual growth. Old sermons can be accessed on the DG website, but this podcast format was quick and easy for complete sermons. Please bring them back!!!!!!!!!
al_gundogsBring back old format!Love the content, but please bring back old format of full sermons!
April#a#b#cLOVE TO START MY DAY WITH THIS!I listen to it every day M-F as I drive my middle-school-aged son to school. We both love it. It is challenging and convicting and just the perfect amount of time for our drive ♥️ I am thankful for God for this podcast.
JosiahSantiniMost encouraging and convicting.I have been listening to Piper’s messages for quite some time now. They are both so encouraging and convicting. I love Pipers passion, and he is really good at helping you understand your identity in Christ.
dark_energy_Praise God for this!I can’t even begin to describe how awesome this podcast is. Hearing messages from Piper I’ve never heard that are so rich, convicting, inspiring, and exhorting. Just wow. Shoutout to Dan and the whole Desiring God team for this! All glory to God!
BigAL,MLSNew format so much worse 😕Was a perfect, 5⭐️podcast before. Now you only get like half of a sermon. When someone is looking for the meat of the word, they don’t want half a serving.
Annie2847Dislike FormatThank you Dan and John and the rest of the DG team for all your work. I really do appreciate it! However, these shorter podcasts are a difficult format! It often feels like I’m listening out of context, and I feel less grounded in the overall argument and flow of the message! I’ve seen 10-15 minute clips of sermons before, and somehow those work a bit better because they pick one of the points. These longer forms lose the best of both worlds — they’re trying to capture multiple elements of the sermon, but you lose the overall flow and construction. Please consider having a separate place with smaller clips, alongside full sermons, please! Miss the old app and format of the “Sermon of the Day”! Thank you!
NexusXXPastor PiperOne of America's best Pastors. Always Biblical.
JoshuaK222Completely life transformingA podcast that is short and sweet and to the point, has become a daily habit to listen bc I NEED this complete change in perspective daily which brings freedom in the Christian life and Glory to God I thank God for this podcast it truly is life transforming bc it is Christ-centered and preaches the Gospel
karl34567Love the old formatI loved the old format of full sermons, please bring those back!
TSJG2484John piperJohn Piper is my favorite pastor, theologian and speaker. I just really wish that I could still listen to him on Saturday and Sunday, thank you so much for sharing these sermons.
Reader JimThe shortness of these pod cast sermonsI find that these shortened sermons make it possible for me to use them when visiting shut-ins and especially a dear brother who is age 71 and blind from birth. They are eager to hear the Word. The 25 minute format is ideal. Thank you, Rev Jim Wood
ArkbatsLove Dr. Piper and Desiring GodPlease bring back the original sermon app, I do not know what the circumstances were that made you guys change it to this. It’s good but not as good as the original sermon app. Peace and love to all in the Desiring God team!
Tripple "AAA"Please Bring Back Full SermonsPlease bring back full sermons podcast. Love John Piper!
Alankh7Does not include the full sermonThe original “sermon app” included selected full sermons of John Piper from beginning to end. This app edits them down into 20-25 minute chunks which robs the listener of the richness and logic of the original sermon. You’re left hanging. I don’t want to hear an announcer introduce the sermon nor do I need an announcer to promote the next butchered sermon. Perhaps they are doing this to fit the format of podcast time slots. If so, then please give us an alternative resource to hear the complete sermons.
Dreaming of the TetonsSo encouragedI thoroughly enjoy these well-curated snippets from Piper’s previous sermons. So rich and robust in content.
ILoveBryceYoungDo NOT like this new versionPlease bring back the full sermons from Bro. John Piper. The full sermons give the full context of the message, whereas, these excerpts are just that. I’d much rather listen to 45-60 minutes to get the full context than a 20-30 minute excerpt of a message.
Anonymus listenerNew format, less contentThe old, simple format of a straightforward sermon recordings has been ditched and replaced with a over produced and curated “show” with short and spliced sermon segments. Rather than getting a full sermon start to finish (say 45-50 min), you are given 10-15 min chunks. I don’t want a tour guide. I miss the old format.
TheSquattyPottyLoving the New Format!Loving the new bite-size excerpt format change! Perfect for my drive into work each morning!
Thank u Dan Cruver!Thank You, Desiring GodThank you, Dan Cruver and Desiring God for providing these classic sermons!
BrayDJDisappointedVery disappointed with what DG has done with this podcast. I, and probably we the listeners, do not want 20 minute excerpts of Piper sermons. I want the full sermon at once. I’ve been a listener for a long time, and this change is not for the better. If I wanted a 20 minute excerpt, I’d listen to Grace to You or something similar.
jeach1Fav pastorPastor John is great and has been a huge impact on my life. I would recommend everyone to listen to this podcast.
Lfc250God centered podcast!This is a great podcast with a great host, Dan Cruver! I am listening to it with my teenage son. I hope it will communicate a God-centered vision and make the gospel and God large in our affections and make these things “real” to us.
PhilipLong11Thank you!What a great way to access Piper’s sermons! Thank you!
Benjamin GriceFrom our generation’s Jonathan EdwardsGod has so richly blessed me and cultivated a deepening of my faith through the Bible-saturated messages of John Piper. He speaks the truth, in love, but without diluting its intended meaning or purpose—all to the glory of God alone. It’s refreshing to reorient our focus, on exulting Jesus, not ourselves. John Piper points my heart to embrace my purpose: to suffer for doing good, to persevere through trials, and to be satisfied most in the King of kings. His teaching of Scripture have been used by the Spirit to enliven my heart to love His glory. That matters much in how I perceive this life and the next. Thank you, John Piper. It’s a privilege to be your brother in Christ. To those considering a listen, do your soul the favor! You will be glad you did!
22111984Wow! God is AMAZING!When I think about the heavens the moon and all the stars , I wonder what you ever saw in me ? But you took me and you loved me and you have given me a song and now I praise your name eternally !
DbluelineWonderfulVery challenging, encouraging, edifying.
Nick9976Great podcastHighly recommend
M1necr@ftDepthNo other preacher except maybe Jesus himself has influenced my walk at such deep and maturing levels
hcucpuyozfizGets The Most Out Of A PodcastThese sermons contain god-fearing, insightful messages that point me towards God. I learn so much about Jesus and my own struggles, and the episodes have greatly encouraged me in my walk with God
alkalinetrio94No rapture John?You’re better off listening to Jack Hibbs and Jan Markel.
TMikeMacThis Podcast will help you learn how much God loves youListen to this podcast everyday and you will learn how much God loves. The you will love other people and God more and more.
SharonClaireTremendous helpTeaching me and inspiring me in my relationship with Jesus. His passion shows me where I want to be. Deep thinker.
thejdhullPraise GodI thank God for men like John Piper, and I pray each day that god would find ways to grow, and shape and use me in a way for His kingdom. Pray for faith eyes to see.
ironchick3TrumpI use to love Piper, but after his comments about Trump and throwing away his right. I realized that he thinks he is above others. He believes he can judge the heart of man. Most importantly, he doesn’t believe what he preaches. I despise hypocrisy. Pharisee!
KJLovesJesusTruly PassionatePastor John is truly passionate about the Lord and I find it encouraging to my faith. I have learned a lot and am very thankful for these sermons and the books he has written. Thank you!!
Chrono RangerPiper is sincereJohn Piper is an amazing preacher. His sermons have continued to encourage, edify, and enlighten me over and over. Thank you Father for your son John Piper and his faithfulness to interpreting and teaching Your Word correctly.
therilesblogReal Preaching!Real preaching comes from the Bible for the glory of God, and that is what this is! Soli Deo Gloria!!
The PholegzNot a matter of talk but powerTo live is Christ to die is gain
farmerdan1985Genesis 1?I just listened to the recent podcast titled “The Greatest Thing in the World,” in which John Piper discusses wrath/fire and brimstone for about 20 minutes to set up to say we are saved only if we accept Jesus. While I am glad that he offers this so that we don’t need to revert to legalism/fundamentalism in order to save ourselves, I have to disagree on where we start as humans. If you start reading the Bible at the beginning, doesn’t it start with Genesis 1 where God creates the world and men/women declaring that they are good? Why can’t we start here? Why can’t we communicate that people are good first rather than a sinful sack of garbage first? Why can’t we start with Genesis 1? Can’t we teach people that they are capable of goodness because goodness is where we began? Isn’t it therefore deeply set within us because of our image that we share with the God that created us?
Mtbiker4lifeWhat a blessing!This podcast is a saving grace during this tumultuous time. I listen with my Bible open, eager to receive God’s truth & rest in His promises. John Piper is a tremendously gifted speaker, clearly grounded in the Word and I am so grateful to have this encouragement for such a time as this!!
KatiSanLove his sermons. Sound volume could improve.Such great sermons. I wish it was a little louder. I drive all day for work and at time I have it turned all the way up and still have a hard time hearing the sermon.
HajjabajjaBiblically Sound TruthWhenever I need to hear some biblical truth on just about any topic, I can always tune in to John Piper. I’m so grateful to have access to these encouraging and challenging messages.
KmartWafflesGod’s Will. No, really.“You can’t know Jesus until your will is to do God’s will. And God’s will is to make much of himself.” Who are you to say otherwise? You will shave your head as penance.
John Newton the 2nd nicknameJohn PiperAmazing he is so good
OrganizewithGraceJohn Piper takes you to another levelThese sermons stir me to desire Jesus even more. John Piper’s love and passion for God is so clear and contagious. I love that these sermons are in iTunes! Thank you and please continue to posting them!
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