Beyond the Dark


Atmospheric sci-fi stories. You might find yourself in the heart of a cyberpunk metropolis, a post-apocalyptic wasteland, or an alien world. Each story features its own original music score for a truly immersive experience.

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Recent Reviews
  • Hendel2131267
    Found this late
    Found this late and absolutely loved it. Wish there were new seasons coming out.
  • NT1909
    Too much music filler
  • CMSharpe
    Good show
    Seasons got progressively better, decent voice acting (a little better than Strata or road of shadows IMO) good stories, good writing. Only thing kinda annoying is the LONG music interludes in between sections take up a bit too much time.
  • Not so potato
    Simply… it is art
    Wonderful, immersive, easy to follow and yet deep and worth the time. Fantastic work from Mark
  • Kata - Pierto Rico
    My favorite show
    Every season gets you closer to the characters and I just love them all right now. I dont want any season to finish but I cant wait for the next. Thank you Mark!
  • Roland45
    Starts out rough
    First season is pretty terrible. Well produced and acted but the plots had gaping holes through every bit of story telling. I kept giving it a shot because the overall quality was so good. Season 2 really is so much better. Glad I stuck with it. Plus it doesn’t have the God hating blasphemy of one of his other podcast.
  • I❤️thispodcast✨
    Good podcast
    I wish there was more context to the last season but overall it is a great story and storyline. Could there be more context and stories in the seasons. I would recommend to my friends if the like adventure and thrill 😃
  • VaStarr27
    Music interludes are just too much
    Annoying and intrusive, pisses me off so I can’t concentrate on the stories
  • OwlEyes92
    Sci-fi Gold
    I’m starting to like everything he does. The long musical pauses annoy me a little but not enough to stop listening. Excellent work on storyline, accompaniment and background sound effects.
  • Ynottt
    Started off good
    The first few episodes were great. It slowly became worse - worse acting, worse plots, more music, until all that’s left were special announcements.
  • Coeur de Parisienne
    In A Word: OUTSTANDING! The Best AudioDrama out there.
    I have been so happy & satisfied since I found this podcast. It’s great! It is clearly going to give - is giving - “Dust” podcast a run for its money! The acting is superb! The stories are engaging & addicting. They’re over before u know it. Pure talent from this writer/director. Come on people, spread this one around; share it with all who would enjoy it. I know I have. Time for all to help this one out through Patreon. What are u waiting for? Thank you for such a great podcast. Great work, wonderful! Oh yeah, last but not least I must go to the other podcast Strata & see even MORE enjoyable content.
  • Woozy woowoo
    Patreon member
    Highly recommend, one of my favorite’s, the whole Strata world is amazing, seems to get better every week, I became a member and binged everything beyond the dark came out with, absolutely luv it
  • Fire  kill
    First episode = amazing
    Really wish EV-9 was a standalone podcast but am going to support the patron to binge a little more! Excited to listen to S1 and S2
  • Fronzel Neekburm
    Fantastic stories
    This is a pretty good anthology, and I love the way the narration works with the dialogue. The stories are good, too, and they don’t try hard to be twisty. My only complaint is that the music can be cut by a third. These episodes are mostly 25 minutes long, too much of it is music that’s fairly generic. Just cut it.
  • nina.jenell
    Fantastic Sci Fi Anthology
    One of the things that stands out to me is how seamlessly the narration weaves in and out of the dialogue, a neat trick that not every writer can pull off. Every episode builds a whole new world that I want to get sucked into, and 20 minutes just doesn’t seem like enough time. The stories are nicely paced with twists at the end, and every character presents an interesting view into their world. I’d definitely recommend this series to anyone interested in various science fiction elements.
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