Permaculture for the Future


The world is full of negative news and the planet is in crisis. This it can be downright disheartening and you feel that there is nothing that you can do. I am here to provide a different perspective. The Permaculture for the Future Podcast is about spreading positive and impactful stories, tips, and ways that each one of us can transition into a regenerative lifestyle. We talk about simple ways to make lifestyle changes and interview authors, teachers, and other folks that are collectively healing ourselves and the planet.If you want to make an ecological impact, stick around because this podcast is for you.

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Recent Reviews
  • Britt M of VT
    I am so grateful
    Thank you for this beautiful podcast!
  • Samm-da-doula
    I just stumbled across this podcast and so far have only listened to your episode on biochar. I really enjoyed it. Like you I have felt a bit intimidated by the process of making biochar, but this episode reignited my excitement for biochar. On my family farm we have an abundance of sticks and such, as well as a pond overrun with duckweed. I am so excited by the idea of using these materials to bring greater health to our pastures. I will be listening to more of your podcasts!
  • Andy&Kona
    Just started listening to this podcast. Very informative and mind provoking. It’s my first introduction to permaculture and it’s positive effects on our ecology (both nature and community). Looking forward to learning more and hopeful to make a change. Thank you.
  • Ginsu74
    Thank you
    I’ve been looking for a podcast like this for years. Thank you.
  • Bailadora del Mundo
    Perfect for a Permaculture Newbie
    As someone who wants to effectively combat climate change, I have been inspired by this podcast. Permaculture as an overarching practice can seem overwhelming, but Joshua and his guests break down elements of regenerative practices in a way that is encouraging and accessible for a novice. Thank you!
  • Lonabaton
    Excellent podcast about resilience
    Josh has some excellent guests who are truly the pinnacle of permaculture and regenerative, healthy living systems. He provides excellent, thoughtful insights in to every day things that we can change about our lives, while also giving us the big picture which helps get people excited about making change. This is the exact type of program that we need in a world battling pandemics, climate changeable degrading human health.
  • Oside Lori
    I love this podcast. Positive and practical. Josh is comforting in this tough time.He identifies the limitations but demonstrates there are always ways to create - there are things over which we have control. You don’t need a rambling ranch to get something out of this podcast.
  • Bjones700
    Great new podcast!
    Keep it up Josh! Great interviews and podcast.
  • bdbdvds sb
    Favorite Permacutlure podcast
    Josh was my pdc teacher in 2017 and his course has forever changed the way I look at everything, as broad as that may sound. I was someone that wanted to help the environment, but thought the it was impossible for me to do anything. After taking his course I discovered the power we actually have and how problems provide solutions. Since his course I have volunteered on many farms across the US and abroad, started a local community garden group, grow a ton of my own food, ext. And now for the podcast haha. This is my go to Permacutlure podcast, Josh ask the perfect questions and invited knowledge guest in the Permacutlure community. Keep it up Josh!
  • busywoodchuck
    I love the mindset that’s taken with this podcast. It has inspired me daily to think about ways I can change my life and the land I have available around me for the better. I’ve been interested with permaculture for a long time, but have never had the information I needed on where to start. This podcast changed that for me. I’ve already ordered my first book, Radical Mycology, and couldn’t be happier. I can’t wait to hear more!!
  • Auntie Pam
    Good News for Change
    An oustanding source for easy steps for individuals to make huge positive impacts. I'm so inspired. Josh ask thoughtful questions and the answers he gets are easy to understand. The guest he's picked so far are experts at finding simple affordable ways for each of us to get started right away in our own gardens to heal the planet. I can't wait to here the next podcast.Tursdays are now my favorite day of the week! Roy Houston San Diego CA
  • LeonaGrunow
    Positive and Educational
    I really enjoyed Josh’s positive outlook and confidence that individual solutions can make a large impact. He is easy to listen to and exudes passion for the subject.
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