The Brain Architects


Healthy development in the early years provides the building blocks for educational achievement, economic productivity, responsible citizenship, strong communities, and successful parenting of the next generation. By improving children’s environments, relationships, and experiences early in life, society can address many costly problems, including incarceration, homelessness, and the failure to complete high school. But if you’re a parent, caregiver, teacher, or someone who works with children every day, you may be wondering, “Where do I start?!” From brain architecture to toxic stress to serve and return, The Brain Architects, a new podcast from the Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University will explore what we can do during this incredibly important period to ensure that all children have a strong foundation for future development.

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Recent Reviews
  • Jessie Stern
    High-quality, evidence-based, practical and wise
    As a child psychologist and researcher, I’m incredibly grateful for this podcast from Harvard’s Center on the Developing Child. I often recommend the podcast to parents and assign it to students in my classes.
  • tallred7
    Absolutely essential for all caregivers
    This is the best information from THE best place for healthy early learning and brain development.
  • RYM-NB
    Required Listening for everyone...
    Incredible insight on the development of children from infancy to young kids. I cant stress how awesome it is to hear from professionals that are on the cutting edge of childhood development.
  • Hgdagjo
    Very interesting and well made
    Impressive for a first episode! Can’t wait to hear more :)
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