Borrowed Future


There’s a massive student loan crisis in America. Millions have found themselves buried beneath a mountain of debt. This podcast series explores the lies we believe about college and digs into the soaring cost of tuition and the predatory nature of the student loan industry. Listen and subscribe to learn how to pay for college without debt or know if college is even the right choice for you. More at

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Recent Reviews
  • Missichka
    Very eye-opening
    I’m sending this to everyone I know
  • ffighter 01
    This podcast made me so angry! Yes, I have a small amount of student loan. I hate it, and wish I hadn’t done it. BUT - I didn’t know any better! Society NORMALIZES student loan debt and acts like it’s necessary and normal for everyone to take out loans for college. This needs to change!! Learning about the history of the student loan ‘business’ sickened me!! They are literally preying on 17- and 18- year old kids who probably don’t know any better! And their parents didn’t know any better, because society says debt is okay! Thank you for this eye-opening, thought-provoking look into the evil that is the student loan!
  • Josh in IL
    Emotionally driven
    I like the amount of effort put into it. I don’t like the emotional dramatizations of the topic. It seems to state the problem over and over. Yes Student loans are a problem and it’s getting worse. Must have said a hundred times that kids need to go to school debt free, but doesn’t offer any ideas or ways to do this. Also doesn’t mention the spiraling tuition costs and how this is just as much a problem as the debt. Seems the only options presented are, don’t go to college….or go to college debt free. Which is a crazy sounding thing to do for any school costing more than a few thousand $$ a year. There’s not any alternatives out there. And no data given on if the debt is worth it in the long run for the majority. But good production otherwise and glad some focus is being put on it.
  • Skeeter72x
    EVERY high school in the nation needs to share this with their students. We will go to college debt free!!
  • DakotaJRow
    Go to college debt free and live life AWAY from the bondage of financial stress. LOVE this podcast!!!
  • trev-doggo
    So great
    I’m glad I’m hearing this before I go into any type of college or trade school
  • Piano4ever!
    Borrowed Future has completely changed the way I am taking the next step after high school. I wish every high schooler could hear the information. Thank you for saving my future!
  • It kicks rocks...
    Great, informative, eye opening!!!
    This was such a GOOD podcast! Having 4 children, 2 who are approaching college age, this was really eye opening. I have given the older ones a homework assignment of listening to this podcast s well and beginning to research colleges and potential scholarships. I recommend this podcast to anyone who is thinking about going to college or has children who are approaching that season of their life.
  • EE2140
    Helpful and important
    I feel like this is important information that can be hard to find. I really appreciate all the information, stories, and advice in this podcast around this issue.
  • And then what happened
    Episode 2. Get a clue.
    So many things to say, but the truth of it… most people use loans to finance education alone. Period. Accusing them of some kind of moral decision failure because maybe they had a $100 left over each semester after books that they spent on a sweater and shorts with school logos… that’s not a failure, it’s not frivolous , it’s fitting into a privileged society on less than minimum wage.
  • run@18
    Great info
    I have a son who will be going to college this year and I hope this helps him with his college decision.
  • makayla ;) .
    Perfect Timing! Class of 23’
    I’m currently a senior in Highschool & this podcast has definitely challenged the ideas taught in school that ‘Good College = Success in Life’ This podcast should be broadcasted at every Public High-School ! Definitely a Eye Opener. 5⭐️
  • momof3homeschooled
    This is such an eye opener and overall shock to me. Learned so much about student loans and colleges. Sickening to say the least.
  • Vaughnsgirl
    Wow!!! So I think my jaw hit the floor multiple times while listening to this. I listened with my 8 year old daughter (who may not understand the concept of financials/numbers entirely), but was quick to comment she “will not be going into debt for college because” -and I quote- “that’s crazy!”….I never went to college. My husband did, but a major life change caused him to move states and credits wouldn’t transfers from college to college and he ended up with a very successful job in sales and he never looked back. We had to pay on loans for which he never finished schooling for (thankfully it was not an enormous amount)…but still….wow. This is crazy! THANK YOU for this, for enlightening me….and for even impacting an 8 year old girl!
  • Sittingredchair
    Changed my life and preaching the word
    This was really in depth. The next best thing is This discussed the initial good intentions of loans but later allowed to be put in the hands of corruption. Most Americans were never told how good intentions changed and how student debt became destructive.
  • Dobdob201234
    Wrong Focus
    The focus of this podcast is on the mistakes and actions of individuals rather than the institutional systems that cause college debt to occur in the first place. Try again.
  • dannyrowan
    Great podcast
    Ramsey Solution does a great job
  • MommaSci
    A must listen
    I wish I knew then what I learned here. A must listen for high schoolers and their parents.
  • jreink
    Wow. As someone who had the opportunity to go to college debt free, I never realized the amount of impact student loans may have on a persons future. I have learned so much from this podcast!
  • Jeanetta7532368
    No choice
    When I was a few months away from finishing high school my mother told me either I go to college or I had to move out. Rent at the time in Anchorage Alaska was $1000 a month for a one bedroom. At 18 years old and never having a real job before my only choice was to sign up for $40,000+ worth of student loan debt. 6 days after finishing high school, before even getting my diploma, I signed on the dotted line. I never felt like I had a choice I didn’t even know what I wanted to do with my life. I worked full-time in order to pay for my car insurance(her car), books, food, phone etc… After 2 years working full time and going to school full time. I wasn’t even able to get a job using my degree because the school was giving out to many degrees without jobs even being available, although they promised they would help us find jobs they didn’t. I started paying $351 at 20 years old after a forbearance period of six months I had to pay $521 a month at the age of 34 I have been able to get it down to $8,500. I have never used my degree. My husband who is a high school dropout and truck driver earns more then I can so I’m now stuck being a stay at home mom because the cost of daycare and the loan makes it impossible for us to get ahead even a month. I wish I would have been taught about student loans because I never would have gone. Also my mother wasn’t around when I signed the papers. Only the school financial officer who told me a student loan was a great idea, my mother couldn’t be bothered to go with me.
  • Mom2Critz
    Required listening
    I definitely feel everyone should listen to this and tell others. We all know young people in high school or college or who has children at that age. We all should be sounding the call. This begins the pattern of debt that will follow them forever. They get used to the normalcy of debt. We have to empower them to live within their means and to not feel the need to be like everyone else.
  • maman124
    I wish this was required listening
    I wish this was required listening for every high school student. The information is invaluable and the life-changing!
  • Ernst Financial
    More Students need to hear this!
    I graduated debt free!!! But as a financial coach I walk with so many clients through this issue and it breaks my heart. Excellent content! I have spoken in several pf local high schools on the topic of how to go to college debt free and will be adding this podcast to my recommended resources. Thank you for the work y’all put into creating this podcast and the BF documentary.
  • uplifted3147
    Fantastic-should be required listening
    I wish I had this before getting a post grad degree. This should be required for all parents who have a child in high school. It is wonderful to see that there are people (like Ramsey and Rowe) who genuinely are trying to help others. It’s disappointing that it generally does not include those connected with education, who we were told we could trust.
  • Rob & Jenn + 9
    Mandatory Listening
    I’ve thought this information is the correct path for years, and taught my children as much. However, it seemed we were the only people thinking this way. This podcast is SUCH GOOD INFORMATION from a personal finance perspective. Every high school student and their parents should listen to these 9 episodes of the Borrowed Future Podcast.
  • Rdms4
    Glad I heard this podcast before making a huge mistake
    This series was so informative and sad at the same time. About to send my child off to college without a cent saved. I’ve struggled with the experience aspect of it. After hearing the countless stories of people in student loan debt, it is absolutely not worth allowing myself or my child’s future to be ruined. Thank you for this series.
  • Grateful Tony
    For MATURE Audiences Only
    Such a great reality check for so many students seeking to go to college. Unfortunately, many of us didn’t have this resource prior to going to school. If this can help one person rethink their reasons for wanting to go to college, it is well worth it. Thank you!
  • ElizabethKutch
    Must listen
    This is a must listen for everyone! Such good information! Make sure you tell everyone you know that you can go to college without debt - I did it & you can too! Thank you to Ramsey & team for putting it out for a mass audience!
  • MICKEY_lewis
    27 Year Old Millennial
    Listen to this entire podcast in one day! It was so worth it. I’ve begun my journey to a debt free lifestyle. I have $128,000 in debt with $86K being student loans. I’m hoping to come back in 5 years to update and do my debt free yell until then prayers are appreciated.
  • xtxtxitxx
    Makes all student loans seem horrible
    I understand their point that student debt has ballooned and can be life changing but I think we also need to hold the people who borrowed the money responsible for their choices. I remember the entrance counseling including that I would be expected to pay the money back. I also understood budgeting and compound interest. All of these people who were totally unaware of interest or the need to repay their loans drive me crazy. I totally agree that not everyone needs a college degree and a lot of college degrees aren’t worth the money. Trade school and ‘blue collar’ jobs pay better than a lot of white collar stuff. And I think that the entrance and exit counseling can be a lot better. The could use the process for a FSA loan for an example. If you can’t figure our your loans then you shouldn’t borrow money. I borrowed around $100,000 for school and grad school, paid it off in 8 years and now make 6 figures. Student loans aren’t always evil, you just have to be smart about it
  • Jesus1775
    Brutally Revealing and A Must Listen
    From the moment I began to listen to the first episode, reality hit home and it’s just awful what these student loan predators do. I was excited to be one of the first in my family to go to college and actually finish. However, had I known the trap I’d be walking into, and the hole I’d be falling far down in; I would have done things so different. My first mistake was attending a private college, and the second was taking student loans out. I graduated, the Marine Corps paid for 50% of my student loans, my balance was $25k; and then fast forward 5 years and that student loan balance has grown to $75k due to interest. Truly devastating but through FPU I now have a plan that works. Looking forward to eliminating these predators from my life.
  • doublenickelgal
    A must listen for parents and young people
    Set your children up for success rather than crippling debt. Listen to this when you’ve got young children and develop and plan. Don’t wait until high school. Don’t fall into a trap that will prevent you from beginning a life after college. If you’re young adult with student loan debt, don’t feel like a failure. Listen to this podcast and come up with a plan to reduce and pay it off.
  • Chiara Perry
    Must listen for all parents !
    This podcast series is riveting and very well produced. The time invested learning about the dark side of student loan debt, the personal stories and the unfettered power of the student loan business can save innocent students a lifetime of grief. There is NO such thing as “good debt”. To quote Albert Einstein. “The 8th wonder of the world is compound interest, those who understand it profit, those who don’t, pay! “ Drop everything and listen! Thank you Ramsey team for this awesome asset! Chiara Perry debt free degree for me and my kids! Pass it on!
  • EHAmos
    Stop Everything and Listen
    I don’t think there’s a person in the U.S. that wouldn’t gain some serious knowledge from this Podcast! I’ve never had student loans but I NEVER knew the bullet I dodged until now.
  • XxRiley934xX
    Absolutely incredible
  • Brothers rut
    Motivation at its finest
    Will continue to encourage and motivate you to stay debt free through your college and beyond!!!!!
  • technobladeX
    Great show would recommend a listen!
    See title
  • Suzi Jacobs
    Life-Changing and Essential
    Completely life-changing. This is an essential tool for people of all ages when approaching undergraduate or graduate school, or debt in general. Want to change your life? Listen to this podcast or the Ramsey show. Absolutely essential in US culture today.
  • Dubs K
    College debt, 25 years old, scary stories.
    I’m 25 and have delayed going to college because ive always heard horror stories about debt. This podcast has really reassured me that there are so many ways to pursue a college degree and graduate debt free. It’s never too late to attend college, another hard thing to get through my head at times but this podcast also helped me with this. This podcast will also tremendously help high schoolers and younger people to get in the mindset that paying off college is 110% doable. But not only will listening all the way through this podcast help anyone in need of the truth on how it is indeed possible to go to college and live a normal life afterwards, it is also a fantastic listen and very well put together pod. Thanks for the amazing podcast, keep up the amazing work!
  • DaddyKnows101
    Great Podcast!!!
    This podcast has helped me decide on my college plans. I am a senior in high school who will graduate from college debt free!
  • Charonstyxnix
    Completely changed my life! Eye-opening! Well-written and well-produced, full of really great actionable suggestions. I believe this should be mandatory listening for all high school students, parents, guidance counselors, mentors, principals.
  • Jenny2kk
    Well worth your time!
    Eye Opening! As parents of a high schooler this has completely changed our approach to applying and attending college. Like it or not, colleges are big businesses that have been funded by our government’s borrowing policies. The absurdity must end!
  • mrsluna0726
    Amazing podcast
    This is a must listen for everyone in this planet. Idc if you’re old or young, black or white, rich or poor, in debt or not. Listen to these 8 episodes and shape your future and those around you.
  • Hhfaviiehtgh
    Listen to this before your kids pick a college!
  • PBarhorst
    Great podcast!
    So so important! Listen and share immediately.
  • Ivy271
    Life saving-Excellent
    This is life saving information! I am sharing with every parent,nieces and nephews. Thank you for impacting lives and for reaching out to the younger generations and sharing about a real economic pandemic which is student loans. Every young person needs to hear this podcast.
  • Christa ---
    Informative - Excellent
    This podcast series is a very informative deep dive into the problem of student loan debt. It is very well done. Highly recommend!
  • ChanelleCamello
    Make this a requirement!
    Everyone in HS and their parents need to listen to this podcast! Amazing
  • NickGog
    One of the most valuable podcasts out ethers
    This is a podcast ever high school age student should listen to and every parent no matter the age of the student should listen to! Great cautionary tales and things to think about.
  • GX-W
    Thought provoking
    This is a great podcast. However, I do have one question. It seems the premise is that if people don’t have student loan debt, they would be able to do so much more other things, which means there will be so much more room for other industries to rip them off, like mortgage, credit card, car loans, wedding industry, etc. people would go into debt for other reasons. Eliminating student loan debt would not solve that. If there has to be one industry that rips people off, wouldn’t education be better than a pickup truck or a over the top wedding?
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