The Truth About Vintage Amps with Skip Simmons

Music #215Music History #24

Twice a month, guitar amp guru Skip Simmons fields your questions on vintage tube amp repair, restoration and collecting. Often hilarious and always insightful, it's like no other guitar podcast out there.

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Recent Reviews
  • kingdom of god is within you
    This is great!
    So much amazing free information!
  • jennconducts
    Love it!
    So great. Super informative as well as entertaining.
  • Tyrantulah
    Started for the education, stayed for...
    the banter, camaraderie, laughs, history, interviews, personal stories, recipes, and the general analysis of the circuit of life.
  • dtttggtghj
    Great Show!
    A must-listen for anyone who has ever wondered what is going on inside their amp. Skip and Jason do a fantastic job of demystifying circuits and components, while offering practical advice for guitarists, bassists, harp players, and home cooks, helping us to quit our crying, and just count it off.
  • Joe B Wan
    El Payto, El Pahto?
    I like my eggs fried and my amps warm. This show delivers them biscuits in spades.
  • Absinthe Lover
    Practical amp repair advice from the trenches. And fun too!
    I’ve been listening to this from the start. After years of sketchy advice from questionable books and the internet, it’s great to hear practical advice from someone who knows what they’re talking about and isn’t recommending questionable “upgrades.” Plus I enjoy hearing the side stories about life, food, goats and typewriters. Makes me feel like my side interests aren’t so eccentric. It takes a guy like Jason to get Skip to open up, and it’s great to witness. Keep fighting the good fight.
  • sdcnine
    The Princeton Reverb of podcasts…simply perfect!
    From the amp talk to the food talk and all the guest appearances, you’ll find this podcast to be simply amazing if you have any interest in old tube amps. Great no-nonsense knowledge and wonderful stories. Thanks TAVA!
  • lynchfactor
    Exceptional source of real information
    Best podcast about vintage tube amps, bar none, and one of the best sources of info (real, experience-based info, not uninformed opinion based and reading internet forums) on tube amplifiers in general, anywhere.
  • Coxy13forreal
    A must listen for guitarists and amp nerds
    Have loved every episode, my favorite definitely being the Mason Stoops guest feature. Seriously an endless resource for anyone interested in amp building/repair, diagnosing issues with vintage gear, and learning about current builders and parts suppliers. Lots of love Skip and Jason!
  • jeff Metz Jr
    Great show! Even better hosts!
    Boy oh boy is it a great day when a new episode of TAVA drops! I love listening to this show whilst working away in the shop, in the shower, in my car, etc. keep them coming guys! I refer to skip and Jason as “ Buzz and Hum! The Tava brothers! Next!!!
  • Nick Rivelli
    My favorite podcast
    A new TAVA episode is like a warm blanket. While I love learning about the amps, Skip’s anecdotes, the recipes, and the weird little group of nerds in this tube amp community makes this show feel like something truly special.
  • Dusky Hamm
    5 el pato cans!
    This podcast got me through the pandemic and beyond. I rarely make it through release day without listening and haven’t missed an episode, and have had many re-listens. It’s inspiring and down to earth, practical and aspirational, can’t get enough. Not to mention the number of cool people I’ve met and befriended along the way. Virtual cheers of a couple cans of el pato!
  • firecrackerheart
    skip is god.
    i know nothing of electronics. i play guitar in bands
  • Jonnysid
    Love it!
    I’ve listened to every episode of The TAVA podcast. I am continually entertained and inspired to heat the soldering iron up, study schematics while dreaming up future projects, play more music, and cook more food! The wealth of knowledge shared, and the convenience of the index Jason manages to keep updated for EVERY EPISODE is such a valuable resource! I have learned so much, and am so grateful to be a part of the community around this informative podcast!🙏
  • Listener AA764
    My favorite podcast
    I love this podcast. Makes me laugh, brings me up, I learn something and we get free recipes. Long live El Pato.
  • JaimieMuehlhausen
    Great Podcast about Amps and Life
    I see some reviews from people who probably haven’t even listened to a single episode and just want to make things political. What a shame! And how sad that they are missing out on one of the best podcasts around. Sure, the content sometimes makes an occasional foray into the world around us. Usually somehow connected to the original subject matter and things just sort of flow. But if you let that bother you SO much that it causes you to sabotage the review section of a really fine and informative…and ENTERTAINING…podcast, then you’re living in a sad, hopeless, humorless world and you don’t deserve Skip and Jason.
  • Seancollo
    The best!!!
    This podcast feels like hanging with friends, learning about amps, dispelling myths, but also getting some great music and cooking recs under the belt. I learned so much from this podcast, which inspired me to convert a 60’s Akai reel to reel into 2 amp heads. Thanks Skip and Jason!
  • Shelbs1028
    Great listen!
    If music is your life, then you’re gonna need this podcast.
  • Bucky900021
    Used to be better
    In the early episodes the focus was on vintage amps. Now that usually is just one of the topics. A lot of food talk and other “homespun” campfire talk. Too bad they lost focus. Still useful podcast when they don’t drift off topic. The worst part is the rambling voicemails. Sprinkled throughout the many podcast is awesome and valuable amp info as promised. This cast has become more like the old Whole Earth Review which might bring a larger audience. I bailed when the blackface/panel amp term was pitched. I don’t need pc terminology polluting the historic amp discussion. That’s just nonsense.
  • Jumpbluesdude
    It’s about the amps. Leave the politics alone.
    I’ve been listening to this show since episode 6. It’s always been obvious that Jason is left leaning, but that’s who he is and it was fine because you accept people. It’s like the family member who is really religious - Im ok with you loving Jesus. It stops becoming ok when they try to convert you. In episode 116, Jason tried to convert the audience and browbeat Skip and the audience to say black panel instead of blackface. I’m not here for your political views, Jason. I’m here to talk amps. That’s where I get off. It’s been great, but I’ll always call the amps blackface. I won’t be listening anymore though because I don’t need politics with amps. I listen to ESCAPE people talking politics. Know your audience.
  • FL ha ghhj
    Go woke go broke
    I really like this podcast but if someone gets offended because you say blackface talking about an amplifier panel then maybe they should grow up and not expect the world to change to please them. You are not helping them you are perpetuating the grievance culture which is actually destructive to their personal and cultural development. It will not stop there. It will forever be a tap dance to not step on someone’s feelings!!!! I love all people and wish the best for them all but I don’t have the time, energy, nor the patience for the nonsense!!!! I’m out!!!! Podcast and Facebook!!!! You idiots are destroying our country!!!
  • Rrrroooaaarrr
    Boring & Political
    Didn’t make it 10 minutes into the “Or Something” episode. Talking about “non-binaries” as though it’s not a mental illness. Also, talked about replacing “blackface” with “black panel,” as though all our colloquialisms, and culture in general, need to be New Speak tested.
  • Blakersson
    Can’t get enough!
    Skip and Jason are the best! Great information on all things amps and El Pato!
  • Kolbycups
    Positive Vibes & hard to find amp info
    I listen to this driving at work and at clients houses without worry of content being anything but informative. Great podcast, thank you for the help with my amps.
  • J Hooker
    Count it off
    It’s basically CarTalk for guitar amps. A great podcast with an amazing community of listeners.
  • Wattie22
    Just Do It!
    So good! Have listened to them all and I still go back through the old episodes to relisten to certain topics which is easy because they have a Tableau archive to search the episodes. I have no electronics experience, no soldering skills, and no patience but after listening to this I have a Tweed Champ build in my future. Thanks to Jason and Skip for the hours of entertainment!
  • N Zbell
    The Great Podcast of the Modern Age
    Insight. Scandal. You’ll laugh. You’ll cry. You’ll wish you got-in early on El Pato and PA amp conversion investments… and then you’ll count it off and just play! Thanks S & J!
  • gekko81
    National Treasure
    I have fallen deep into the rabbit hole of vintage amps, groovy music tips,
  • jb30343
    Five Stars
    Jason and Skip!
  • Interlaken guy
    Unveil the Mysteries
    These guys have more than a few clues. The enormous pool of knowledge gently awaits your fishing pole. Cast a line & you’ll surely catch something beyond your expectations. Obscure revelations rule here! Just what us fanatics need, more juice! AMP it up!
  • Bryan in Seattle
    The only podcast I need
    I stumbled on this podcast back around episode 10 or so; it’s just great, and Skip and Jason are a wonderful combination. Much is over my head but all is entertaining. I love the interactive format with listeners from all over the world asking questions and getting advice. I’ve asked a few questions myself and so far have sent two amps to Skip, and he made me a third, a Masco PA conversion. If you like tube amps, you’ll love this podcast.
  • Mojo Larry
    The best show in town!
    I have been a listener from the beginning, never miss a show! Entertaining, insightful, informative and engaging, Skip and Jason, with an occasional special guest, always deliver.
  • Rancid Barlow
    Absolutely my favorite podcast of all time. It’s so much more than amps, cast iron, GOATS, puppies, landline phones, and El Pato, and special guests with recipes.
  • Lucky135858
    I Love This Cool Old Grumpy Dude.
    Cool old grumpy dude teaching me about tube amps, recipes, and oddball music. Politics free zone. Love this podcast. I could drink a lot of beer with Skip.
  • dpc5035
    The best!
    I’ve learned so much from this pod…amp repair, cooking tips, music and literature recommendations, great interviews and a completely unique community surrounding it all. Keep it up Jason and Skip, you’ve got a really great thing going here!
  • Jayoh13
    Just count it off….NEXT!
    As someone who was always interested in how tube amps work, I have found this podcast to be quite informative. I think if you own a tube amp this podcast is a must. If for nothing else, just the tips on how to do basic troubleshooting and maintenance can save you a trip to the amp tech.
  • mrba247
    The best vintage amp show ever.
    This is where you learn more abotu vintage amps than any other resource (aside from books) on the planet. -Scott B
  • poorlyimplemented
    Kind of changed my life
    What else can I say? Skip is a Zen master hillbilly foodie with an unparalleled knowledge and skill in his craft. The podcast is not only about two guys talking about amps, it’s about the community that has formed around it, thus far a community of uncynical, truly great people all helping each other learn, grow, and oh yeah… not electrocute ourselves.
  • 100% winner
    Great show!
    For anyone who likes to fix stuff, or the idea of fixing stuff. Keep up the good work.
  • Chris W. Santa Rosa
    I love this podcast!
    I’ve been a silent fan since fairly early on. It’s so much more than a podcast about guitar amplifers. It’s such a pleasure to listen to, it has accompanied me on lots of gut burning dog walks and drives around the Bay Area and beyond. Always puts many smiles on my face, and this podcast did so much to make up for the sudden loss of community during COVID. It’s obviously a labor of love by Jason and Skip, and I appreciate it immensely. I’ve learned so much about amps which were mostly a mystery to me for years. It will survive as a wonderful resource for all (with a fantastic searchable spreadsheet thanks to another dedicated fan). I feel lucky to be part of such a cool community. This one goes to 11…
  • Shane in Western Mass
    Favorite Podcast
    This podcast is at least 25% responsible for getting me through the pandemic. Since I started listening I’ve acquired a ‘67 Bassman, ‘68 Bandmaster, ‘67 Supro Corsica, Danelectro Centurion, Silverface Vibro Champ, ‘53 Gibson GA-20 AND I built a tweed champ. Take that as a warning. I love the folky home recipes and banter about cast iron, typewriters, goats and the like. My only complaint is that they haven’t touched on vintage high-carbon steel French knives or Chinese cleavers.
  • hattsofftoyou
    My favorite podcast!
    I have been listening for the last several months and have almost caught up on all the episodes. What an amazing journey! I now have an El Pato amp, and lots of perspective on tube amps. I appreciate everyone who calls in and leaves a voicemail question. Those people power the show, and have kept it going. Thanks to all of you who call in, and thanks to Skip and Jason for continuing to answer our questions!
  • Sleepingbulldogcircuits
    Nice to hear someone that is knowledgeable
    I’ve been designing and repairing audio electronics for 15 years and I enjoy listening to Skip and Jason. I rarely yell at my phone while listening to this podcast, and I’ve read all the popular “guitar amp books” and have had to throw them all across the room. Justin.
  • Whiskey-a-go-go
    So Niche, So Fantastic
    Such a wealth of knowledge is discussed in this podcast. Even if you are a casual player, an amp aficionado, or just a six pack, dad, wanting to know more about music. This is a podcast for you.
  • jklereko
    Skip is the man!!
    Do you want to learn about fixing old guitar amps and ideas on what to cook for dinner? Look no further. It’s really a treat to be able to learn from one of the best. A fun and informative listen.
  • McKlerekoper
    I love this show as much as my husband!
    My husbands and I’s interest rarely cross but in this case I was surprisingly captivated by this podcast. Skip is extremely knowledgeable and the cooking recipes are an added bonus! Highly recommend this for the whole family. Keep up the good work and I look forward to listening more!
  • Pele10!!
    Run that thing!
    Like the days of hanging out at the barber shop or a friends garage… It’s just plain fun listening to Jason, and Skip jaw about amps, food, music or any topic that crosses their path. So I say run that thing, boys!
  • Whaletar
    One of the best!
    Like hanging with a couple old friends and learning about amps, music, any and all related groovy trappings of the good life.
  • shamooth
    Love the show
    Don’t always know exactly what y’all are talking about but still listen to every minute. Thanks for the good times
  • JDlabs71
    Incredible podcast!
    I really should have no reason to listen to this podcast. I’m a mediocre guitar player with a solid-state modeling amp. Don’t even own a soldering iron. But I’ve listened to every single TAVA episode. There is just something about Skip and Jason’s interaction that draws you in. I don’t understand half of what Skip is usually talking about, but it doesn’t matter. I will enjoy listening to this podcast for as long as Skip and Jason are at it. Who knows, maybe someday I’ll even get brave enough to pick up a soldering iron and an old amp in need of some servicing!
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