Richard Syrett's Strange Planet

Politics #127

Richard Syrett talks about UFOs, conspiracies and Paranormal phenomena on his critically acclaimed Alternative Radio Show and Podcast.Support our show by becoming a premium member!

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Recent Reviews
  • tamichawk84
    Used to listen on Coast to Coast
    Some topics too far out in terms of belief. Want to give some guests benefit of the doubt but some seem looney instead of believable
  • AP Roberts
    Great interviews!
    Richard is a thoughtful and intelligent interviewer who asks probing questions while keeping his guests at ease and engaged. A+
  • James WB
    One word - Excellent
    This is one of the best podcasts right now. Very informative.
  • Ak-215
    Interesting + Well Done
    I like the podcast and have been listening to Richard for a few years now on and off. Podcast has changed names once or twice maybe. I Don’t listen to all the shows but some/most are quite interesting. Guests are very well versed too. Informative and gets you thinking. Give the show a shot and you will wind up digging it most likely.
  • paVEme/nt
    Rock n roll republican
    One part truth, 6 parts lies, 13 parts make it up as you go. Overall dumb. 👎🏼👎🏾
  • xgbjk
    Excellent podcast
    Where are all the missing children???
  • Lolo Marin
    Better than C to C
    I found Richard on Coast to Coast. I loved Mr Noory but some of his guests and topics are too out there for my taste. So now I only listen to Strange Planet! I am a supporter and it’s so worth the reasonable cost to get ad free shows etc. I love to learn and this podcast has been fun and helps me relax in bed before falling asleep. Keep it up Mr Syrett!
    Embraced QAnon & fascism
    It was a good show but the host has increasingly been promoting QAnon conspiracy theories and a far right fascist agenda.
  • Jasny3068
    Art Bell would be proud.
  • TwoI's
    turning right
    Ive been listening a few years and Rich is getting on board with all the right wing hoey. Too bad, his show was better and has taken a strange turn. I'm very selective now. Staying away from the political shows. Maybe we'll get past this.
  • bigdhalsey
    Unbelievably Good!
    Listening to Richard’s podcast has been a lifesaver and an informative way to see our current events in an unbiased way. My daily commute is more enjoyable and my day more informed of our governments dealings. Please have more podcasts on illegal surveillance, targeted harassment and individuals; unfortunately, my life has been effected by these inhumane practices.
  • Dr Doom Jr
    Doesn’t question anything
    The host should politely question guests especially when they make outrageous claims
  • XHimpx
    Bigfoot terror
    This is fiction disguised as nonfiction. Notice how the author always reads his stories. Podcasters should avoid these books.
  • Gypsi Moon
    MAGA platform
  • Joe Ticson
    Episode 977
    This episode (#977) is the absolute stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. It will literally make you dumber if you listen to it. About 15 minutes through I noticed that at some point I had started drooling without realizing when, and had to turn it off. Oh, and the “son” is a tranny, which should explain everything…
  • JeffysMounty
    Great podcast
    Great show. Funny comments here from low IQ lib nit wits. Yet, they continue to listen like lab rats on amphetamines (Can’t help themselves). This show is great on Rumble as well. Keep it up. Thanks!
  • Koolaid Drinkers
    Anyone with a crazy theory can get an audience … but should they?
  • Vjacked
    Conspiracy Theory
    I wish the podcaster would not lend credence to the many conspiracy theories that abound especially here in the U.S. I’m sure there are more Americans listening as there are only about 40 million in Canada. This doesn’t help the devisiveness we are experiencing here in the U.S. I hope this climate of conspiracy theory, disinformation and distrust of government comes to his country and see how it feels to live with daily.
  • one eyed jew
    The voice
    This guy sounds like Robin black. A Canadian MMA journalist. Maybe related?
  • Gegy007
    Love it
    Great podcast with interesting guests
  • IndyJ's
    Variety Show
    Richard covers a broad range of topics and people and does so respectfully even if he doesn’t agree with his guest. It’s not a show you can categorize : one guest will cover aliens another will talk politics or wholistic healing.
  • The mak69
    This guy is a tool
    Time I can’t get back. What a waste.
  • elleyhey
    One of the best
    Certainly one of the better ufo shows. Potentially the best, or at least the best of the ones I have heard. Bravo. Well- I’m pretty bummed as a long-time listener I’m gonna have to stop listening. I just can’t understand the logic of someone who would say that just because “lame stream media” highlights climate change now that covid is not as prevalent means that climate change is not impacted by human behavior and consumption. Anyone in this day and age who does not see how human actions are causing pollution and changes in our environment has their head in the sand for some reason and would rather pretend this is a divisive us against them issue. True believers in God would know that we are to protect the land not set it ablaze because the elites are lying. I do not understand the logic. so sad. I will miss this podcast. The episode about Rome or whatever just went too far. :(
  • Graffixwood45
    Talk show topic
    Great show. Good information. But I am hoping at some point he will do a show on William Cooper. The greatest and most accurate conspiracy theorist of all time.
  • Ralph and Martha Wright
    But guest intros are WAY too long
    Good, humble guy talking about a variety of weirdness..some scary, some zany.
  • WavMo
    Sleep paralysis
    Recently discovered your show and listened to Episode #940. I was blown away by what Vicki Joy Anderson had to say about types of sleep paralysis. I experienced episodes of sleep paralysis for many years while in my 20s and 30s. Vicki described events that exactly mirrored my experience. Although this is not something I talk about with other people, it was wonderful to get validation that what I went through was very likely real and not a figment of my imagination. I have listened to a couple of other episodes as well. Great work. Keep it up.
  • 234fedup432
    Framed Cop
    It doesn't involve aliens, cryptics, or stories of the dead or the"so called dead. It was the voice of injustice from the mouth of a survivor. You are not bias, but this show was little different in a good way. It reminds us that the boogy man is real.. No further proof needed.
  • really78
    Interview with Mr Hicks
    I couldn’t stop listening to to your interview with Mr Hicks. The injustice he and his family went through is heartbreaking. I’m so glad to hear his children all went on to be successful. Doing well is the best revenge. I bought his book and also the audio version. I’m looking forward to the movie.
  • wtnevi01
    Q anon lite
    I love conspiracies but peddling disinformation about climate change is just too harmful. You’re doing the world at large a disservice
  • Jorelthefhostofkrypton
    And Excellent.
  • Ericho247365
    At best, wildly irresponsible. Listened to episode with Janet Phelan and don’t believe I will ever tune in for anything else. If you are a literal conspiracy person who wants to believe insane things, this is the podcast for you. If you can use any sort of reasoning, please steer clear.
  • wallstreetmoney
    Way too many commercials
    Just like the radio show, the guests are interrupted every 5 minutes to go to commercials. Not worth it.
  • Little Miss Sweet Tea
    Wish it was all paranormal and no politics
    I really enjoy Richard’s hosting gigs on “Coast to Coast.” The majority of the topics on this show deal with the paranormal, which I love - but I’m disappointed by the ultra-conservative political undertone of this podcast. Had to delete it from my library.
  • Humhoney
    Great show!
    Reminds me a lot of Coast to Coast AM and is really very interesting. Richard has a great voice… relaxing. Great host & guests.
  • Paul_Fire_1523
    Not Moderate
    I like many of the topics Richard covers and he is a great interviewer, but he is by no means impartial or moderate. He seems to agree with some very divisive views - which can be okay if you are proven correct - but I think some of the views he espouses / allows without moderation will be proven archaic and backwards. I personally am a moderate person. I by no means believe all the junk we are being fed. But just because you don’t like something or some idea doesn’t mean it is eroding the world around you. Speak the truth as you see it, but don’t think that your view is always correct.
  • Popsicle Sommelier
    Great stuff
  • KristaKennedy
    Bavarian Illuminati
    Update: need more compelling guests The guest is a shockingly terrible speaker to say the least and surprised you allowed this. I am 20 minutes in of part 1 and ready to turn it off. Please let this get better, it’s such an interesting topic.
  • mkk60
    Would really be great if…
    The audio of the guests is really bad. I have turned off so many of these shows because of this that I am seriously thinking of unsubscribing. What a shame.
  • Jamestopher Vick
    Wildly dumb
    Got a right wing nut job here. You incels need help 😂😂😂
  • MrsNAdams530
    Great podcast! My favorite!
    Richard does a FANTASTIC job with this conspiracy podcast. He has quality guests. Does great interviews. Is intelligent and knowledgeable enough to not make a mockery of the subject. A lot of conspiracy theorist podcast hosts are not knowledgeable about the subject and just add to the stigma we all face as believers in these “conspiracies.”
  • Mic-007
    The best of the best
    When it comes to talk shows, you'll be hard pressed to find a host or a show that covers a wide range of topics like Richard. Thank you!
  • Lungworts
    One of the best podcasters
    RS is someone who inspires me. He covers ALL topics and is well spoken and versed in anything he discusses. Excellent show
  • gfeyi
    The Bible
    Nothing under the sun is new. Jesus is coming soon!
  • Linda#555
    One of the best
    Richard is a great interviewer who doesn’t shy away from unpopular ideas Great show
  • huckginn
    Love the show
    Great topics and a great vintage feel
  • jstnrbk
    One of my favorites!
    The subject matter has changed since the little refresh look…i hope all is well and you are able to broadcast what you wish
  • slugpapa
    Smart guys
    These folks are smart and fun to listen to. You don’t stretch things too far, instead you dive into the facts. Great show!!
  • Billy1790
    Just not very good
    It’s not the politics, just not very good. Tried listening to different shows. Not very good. Almost forgot, the adverts, too many. Renamed but still bad.
  • Chuck Dumpster
    Ignore the other review
    This show has maybe 3 commercials. Its not bad at all compared to other “truth”/ paranormal podcasts. Also its got really impressive guests considering its short run!! Great job!!
  • pint12
    Good info
    Like the content
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