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Blue in SWVAWhat a Joke!!!!!What a joke. Trump has his balls in his pocket!
woggerdoggerSudden loud obnoxious interruptionsLove Jimmy, will listen forever because he’s good. But those loud obnoxious sudden interrupting screaming clips that are played have got to stop! Dude, you’re better than that. You don’t have to do that obnoxious when you’re right your right stuff. It’s just not necessary
this is a terrible nickname41Good content, terrible audio balanceI don’t know if Jimmy is rocking back and forth or not facing his mic half the time but the volume of his voice is not even half the volume of his clips or sound bites. The commercials come on and they are super loud. I have to drive with my hand on the volume knob. I turn it more than my steering wheel. It ridiculous. I’ve tried to contact people but nobody seems interested. I make it through half a show most times.
MosquitoSwarmGame ball?First, try having a couple, sycophantic worm.
The_duck_taperSmells Like FoxJimmy is funny… most of the time. He seems genuine so far (listening for 3 months). My only issue is the “FOX vibe” I keep getting from him. The one that feels like party fed guests and party approved talking points but lets the jokes fly as they may. But only because “that will throw them off the scent!” All said, descent show. I listen when I have time but it’s not worth making time for.
rushfanMKVery Funny, but run this through a compressor to even the loudness between dialog and soundsVery funny political and non-political takes. This show is for everyone. Have your production team modify the whole audio show with compression, since this podcast on Apple doesn’t have a busily in compressor like a radio transmitter does. Sometimes Jimmy isn’t speaking directly into the mic, and his voice fades. The interspersed special effects sounds are much louder than the dialogue, so it hurts my ears when they jump in! If you need me to do it, send me the show in an MP3 format, and I’d be happy to apply some compression in my Digial Audio Workstation and send it back in prior to publication! It will only take a few minutes to do!
Bumper HP R.When leftists come on the showIt took me awhile to find your program and I’m glad I did, your knowledge, analysis and humor is a great addition to hard core talk shows. But being a hard core conservative since I was 18 and am now 78 I have no time for listening to untruthful closet communists and Democrats,they come on I turn off. Since my military and police years I have learned all I can about them and their history, they are a slow march to the bottom of despair. When their diatribe is over I turn you back on. God bless stay safe. BumperHP
NZwally13Very funny but please fix sound!!!!Love Jimmy’s show. He has a talent for making politics interesting and funny. His everyday man approach is spot on. His guests are interesting even if I don’t like them (that’s you Jessica). My only issue with the podcast is when I listen to it with my AirPods his voice fluctuates and is hard to hear at times. Then the people who intersperse short jokes are much louder than he as well as the ads. I’m certain this is not good for my ears. If someone could work on the volume consistency that would be much appreciated as this is the only podcast I have that issue with. Thanks.
AerialmenReincarnated RushFrom the first show I heard Jimmy I knew Jimmy had to of been a RUSH listener his take on American Values and comedy with the parody And his ability to convey the truth about liberals and their agendas was directly over the target well done James !
IdkwhoGreat podcast!Very entertaining and enjoyable podcast…just one minor suggestion: It would be even better if Jimmy’s mic volume was closer to the level of the sound effects and ads. I always find myself turning up the volume to hear him and then finding any sound effects (audio clips, etc) and advertisements are much too loud.
otisdwoodsSimply coolYou rock, Jimmy. Enough said.
Karen RVAVoice of reasonJimmy is what this country needs; a voice of reason, with humor!! Love his show…except for the clips of KJP..she’s so cringy that I Must turn the volume down until she is gone. lol. Keep up the great work Jimmy!!
coolkkkidFunny, honest and just realGreat show until Jessica. She is so far left that it is pathetic. Had to shut down the show. I change the station when she is on Fox. Left is perfect to her.
HdwideglidePodcast SoundLove the show, but when you are out walking or any activity you can not hear you. Your B.S. sound effects should be turned down and your sound should be turned up. Get your volume up and the sound effects turned down and you’ll get 5 stars!
The_T_KSound engineer wantedJimmy. Very smart. Very funny. Stop screaming one second and whispering the next…. Then the screaming sound effects. Get a sound engineer or Look at an equalizer from 1980….. quit yelling Jimmy ‘Biden’ fallia
Submax65Wow! Love!I am so glad that started working with you, listening, and laughing. Jimmy! Your intelligent, witty podcast is well done. I’ll definitely stick with you.
Caps WinnGreat showJimmy is the best. Combining both knowledge and humor in one show. I try not to miss an episode.
Gramma MargieTelling it like it REALLY is!Jimmy you hit the nail on the head with your common sense views no matter what side of the political isle your on. Enjoy listening to you and your comedic and honest commentary
DreyermjTerribleGuy over uses the soundboard… obnoxious
scanman75The volume!!!Can you turn down the volume of your sound clips you add in while your talking??? They are 5 times as loud as you and it’s crazy. I have to turn it up to hear you and then BAMMMM you play a sound and it shakes the house
marilynpalmerThrowing the proverbial pantiesYou are delicious. That little kid is fabulous Sorry I didn’t find you sooner. Home run
SAPPER SCHOOLKEEP ON TRUCKINGGreat job Jimmy Failla when I first heard your show I thought of a character from long ago Kenny Powers in eastbound and down keep up the phenomenal work that you are doing.
jamesmccurdy1Very entertaining and informativeJimmy is hilarious, and serious and informative all at the same time. This is a great show!
Vegas JillieMikieLove love love ❤️ ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
FunShannonShannon Says Hi!!There is no way she’s listening!
Savvy WildChildAnother angle of student loan debtLove your show, but after hearing on several shows now it being said that the student relief will get rid of all or most of the college debt of rich people, I have to respond to this. It does not pay off the loans, unless one’s loans are only $10,000 to $20,000, for those are the amounts that would be forgiven from loans. I understand the opposition to this handout, as I oppose all the handouts being given to people who are not citizens of our country and have never paid into our system to deserve to withdraw from it. An important point is being missed with the student loan issue, and that is the ever-rising cost of education. For example, when I graduated from junior college in 1995, it only cost $26.50 a credit hour including student fees. When I graduated from a state college in 2013, tuition was nearly $300 a credit hour. I graduated from college in 1995 completely debt free because a full-time semester only cost $500-600 with books. $600 wouldn’t even cover one regular three hour class a decade ago. It’s almost impossible to attend college without having to take out loans...
WeatheredPoolBugRoasting Political MarshmallowsPerfect description by you Sir - In an atmosphere where it’s very easy to be continuously on the edge of agitation, you make my work route an easy listen. Bonus: you are able to do apt sports analogies like running on a weak armed Catcher, as well. Keep up the great effort my man! Go Mets(!?)🤢
Tow mater!Hands down THE best show EVER!I dare you to find a funnier guy on the radio! And it’s not even a comedy. What a great respite for all the stupidity and scary stuff that’s currently going on in the country. Don’t forget to send me my check Jimmy!
20 minute von userWhat a relief!I’ve been looking for a smart FUNNY podcast, other than Law Talk with John Yoo and Richard Epstein (really, they make me laugh). Tag, you’re IT, Jimmy. Congratulations on all your well deserved success.
mammerjacodAbsolutely tremendous and Great show !!I love you jimmy !! I feel bad calling you Jimmy Failla cause In my book you be Jimmy Winna !! You make my day go so much smoother , love watching you on gutfeld with the lovable Fox News Dwarf my man Greg !! Greatest show on radio next to the late Rush Limbaugh, may he rest in peace.. keep up the fantastic work and keep the level headed news and laughter rolling in !!!
PAyscueGot some orange on ur nose, JimNever heard of this serpent-head before today but found it ironic the day TFG gets subpoenaed for his crimes Fallia praises his "style." But in true democratic form, Apple will still distribute his Facist-loving propaganda
franniebk1129Why cry when you can laugh?Thanks for the chuckles amid the craziness of the news . I’m so glad I can now get the scoop with a side of laughter. Love the sound bites and music parodies but mostly love your swag. Keep on keepin on.
TheUltimateparadoxJimmy is great for reactionary boomersPeople who have similar cultural preferences to reactionary boomers will really like this podcast. Jimmy is great at explaining things in a way that makes total sense if you don’t think about it.
Two Hawks RussellBig fishA breath of fresh air to the fox family, A normal every day down to earth host. Good job. Guy.
Fudgy FiddlerListener bewareIf you’re not careful, you might just get a brief earful of actual content between all the segments of self- and FNC promotion.
Alee510The Best!Seriously, the most refreshingly honest, tell-it-like-it-is take on the state of America, with just the right amount of humor that prevents all of us from taking ourselves too seriously! God bless! 🇺🇸🙏🏻
Danie AlyseYou Owe Me😝Even though I have ZERO time for another podcast, I’ve somehow worked this one into the mix. One thing. A few months ago you said you’d tell the story of meeting Kevin Meaney. I somehow missed it. I love that you’re keeping his memory alive. Would you mind retelling it? It’s weird that I miss him so much when I didn’t even know him. I think it was his genius, but also his pain/vulnerability. I got to know him on the Jay Thomas radio show. Another genius gone too soon!
Renee D.This guy is great!Stumbled across this show on a fuzzy radio station. Had to find him and thankful to find a podcast. The sound bites are funny and make me crack up, but the message is sound and actually very logical. This show could appeal to all political factions - well done!
KWoeVAmanLove it!I love Jimmys humor along with his analysis. A perfect combo.
gnav72Love this showJimmy, I love your show but please get rid of the sound bytes. It takes away from the great message you’re putting across.
follow🤓Kathy Lee interviewI have never laughed so hard!!!
wyatt054Best Show Ever, SeriouslyThis is the greatest show airing during the day right now. Jimmy is not one to agree with everything the Republicans or Democrates state. He strongly encourages great conversation(s) and understands not everyone will agree! But at the end of the day, we can still go out and have a beer together! Jimmy, keep doing your thing sir, you will chang the world one day!
tankboy14rSound checkJimmy I seriously love your show, it’s a refreshingly funny take on life and politics, but could you please go back to original sound configuration; the newest one make you hard to hear sometimes to falling of the chair bammm! Thank you everything else is perfect
luiliv3Boring……..Now this show turned out to be boring bc every single day is about the same topic, plus it’s taking too much time with all of the songs he plays (all the same).. come on, start doing something different every day, something that keeps me listening to you. You can do it.
😉BarbLove the show!Jimmy has a great way to tell us what is going on. We need humor, and he delivers. Thank you Jimmy! 👏👏👏
wolfie/wolfCartoon politicianPresident Biden is the typical cartoon crooked politician. Lies his bottom off to get elected. Didn’t agree with everything Trump did. But at least he did or tried to do what he promised to be elected. And now the Afghanistan vets know how Vietnam vets felt. I hope they don’t get treated like they did. If they do get rid of Biden we are really screwed with Comrade Harris. As this crisis got worse. Democratic Party used it to push their leftist bills passed the House. Hoping Americans not watching. The heads of his administration needs to roll after they get everyone US civilians out. And the Afghanistan people allies who do make it We can hope they become republicans and good citizens like the South Vietnamese did
HoldoutdoormanSame show everydaySame show all the time same jokes says he was a cab driver went to community college every guest is a darn good friend to the show so he says if looking for a top shelf radio in a bottom feeding world this isn’t it
Tucker MulberryDrunk Jimmy is hilarious!This man is amazing. He’s one of us speaks his mind. I love the way he describes everything and he also has great guests on the show! I’ve been following him for quite some time and I’ve been an avid listener since day one on Fox across America. PS. If you have been listening to Jimmy for a while know him, put the player speed at 1/2. He sounds drunk and it’s absolutely hilarious! (I did that by total accident today 😂)
Sage551My favorite podcastMy favorite since Rush Limbaugh (and I listened to Rush for 25 years). Combining humor with political opinion. Bravo! 👏🏻 (And I love Jimmy’s son.)
DougAJ99DougThe funniest political commutator I’ve ever heard. Even better than Greg Gutfeld. His son is chip off the old block.
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