Omar Suleiman


Omar Suleiman, FREE Audio Podcast brought to you by Muslim Central. Muslim Central is a private Audio Podcast Publisher. Our Audio Library consists of Islamic Lectures, Interviews, Debates and more, with over 100 Speakers and Shows from around the World.

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Recent Reviews
  • Mohammed 290
    Best podcast ever
    This is my favorite podcast
  • jamila1101
    My favorite podcast
    Masha Allah, sheikh Omar taught me a lot about Islam may Allah take to janna al firdows
  • Crazyasher
    I am a Christian
    Jesus is the one true God and he loves you all 😉😉😉
  • Ahmad El Maestro
    highly informative and engaging podcast
    Very enlightening and interesting
  • Lovemecrazy0606
    I LOVE THIS SHOW - 5 stars across the board
    This is year 4 of me fasting during Ramadan. Although I am not Muslim, and I grew up in Christianity, this has resonated on a higher level than any other religious/spiritual podcast. To be honest, fasting during Ramadan has opened my eyes and brought me so much in return. I have a profound respect and appreciation for the Islamic religion and culture. It resonates with me on a level that the religion I’ve grown up with, has not. It has moved me and I am able to have more discipline and discernment. Fasting for Ramadan, hearing the word, reading, and learning from my Muslim friends and family, has allowed me to grow within my spirituality. Healing my mind, body, and spirit. Listening to this podcast since Day 1 of Ramadan, I have had a true spiritual awakening. I have taken notes, and it has made me a better person, mentally, physically, and spiritually. I am so glad that I came across this podcast and YouTube channel. I can go on and on, but I would like to say thank you. This series was something I didn’t know I needed.
  • khadijashrafi
    Favourite podcast!
    its so amazing how he delivers. he makes everything about this podcast soothing and comforting. his “why me” series was the best thing that happened to me and i hope to have such information in the future too. May Allah grant us all the highest ranks in Jannah Ameen.
  • Dawud Muhammad CR7
    Beautiful Khutbah! Amazing! MashaAllah!
    The delivery of his khutbah is amazing! It’s calm the way he says it, and he uses examples to deliver the khutbah. I like the way he delivers his khutbah and the calmness he does it. May you go to jannah brother! We love your podcasts.
  • Dudette_9
    Gentle and Warm a true reflection of Islam
    Thank you to Dr. Omar Suleiman for bringing back a true reflection on the meaning of Islam and how to be a Muslim. His words and channel brought me back to God and prayer. Thank you
  • ibemac215
    Great Islamic podcast
    It gives us a different point of view and Muslim of not I think many should listen just to how he talks
  • Sara Mukhtam
    This is such an educational podcast. Omar Suleiman makes everything so clear and easy to understand. I listen to this all the time. By the way, @Wanderalot it’s okay that you believe that, but can you not criticize this podcast just because it doesn’t align with what you think to be true? And @war Tejay a good podcast for that is the prophet Muhammad podcast.
  • butterflies_139
    I love Omar Suleiman
    I really love his potential, he is great. I feel like you can really learn a lot from him.
    For Muslims and non Muslims
    I’m grateful I found this podcast! I’ve learnt so much by listening to Omar Suleiman that I honestly think that this is not only limited for Muslims, it is also very valuable for any non Muslim who is willing to learn.
  • H_ari9
    whisperer of islam
    I first started listening to Dr Omar Suleiman, two years ago. Allah Swt I am grateful you brought me here, have lifted me up from darkness many a times. SubhaAllah every time i am grief stricken, Omar Suleimans words have calmed me via Allahs mercy or every time I have felt defeated I have been reminded to ask Allah for courage and help. My rock.
  • Smaller than zero
    A great scholar Mash’Allah
    Me and my family friends are all learning something new every time we start listening this podcast Insha’Allah
  • Momochuck
    Be better
    I have learned a lot from multiple scholars. Allah(swt) granted brother Omar a unique ability to make anyone listening to start reflecting. Alhamdullilah, may Allah(swt) make all of us into the better versions of our selves.
  • CheikhSidy
    Best scholar in these days
    His calmness in his voice, the energy he provides, the sincerity you even hear through it is just amazing and day changing. Try and watch him on youtube, he literally seems to laugh while talking,just because of his natural good energy and mood he is just so positive.. maa Shaa Allah. You can tell this man love the Deen and is ready to share with everyone. May Allah AzWajaal Grant you peace, and more blessings, earnings on Sadaqatul Jariyan!
  • asmonium
    Omar Suleiman
    I love his speech delivery, it is just incredible! His voice is very calm yet affirmative in relaying the message. We absolutely love listening to his lectures & have learned a whole lot about Islam. JazakAllah khair for the amazing work you and your team does.
  • Snakeladylibrarian
    Grateful to have this podcast available to me
    Salamalaykum. This podcast reaches me exactly where I find so much beauty in Islam. It is reasonable, faithful, and devout and inshallah, I shall be as well. As a convert of 34 years, I am so grateful to have this podcast to grow my faith and knowledge in Islam.
  • Binta.Doumbia
    Great podcast
    Listening to this instead of music and super grateful to have access to this
  • yara.farrag
    Best Muslim podcast
    Mashallah I love everything about this podcast. Please keep being more on religious informing episodes 🫶🏼
  • samara126
    MashAllah truly one of the best speakers out there on the topic of deen. I had a client who approached me seeking to know more about Islam and I guided her to his podcasts and she took her shahada two weeks ago. Basically making the point that imam omar suleiman has a gift for delivering key points of Islam with daleel in a digestible and engaging fashion. May Allah (swt) grant him firdous Ameen
  • war Tejay
    Can you guys talk about Mohammed life I want to know
  • Assaf#1
    Allah is the greatest
    The best Imam ever! Teaches/speaks with clarity, eloquences and understanding. Alhamdulillah for Dr. Omar and Alhamdulillah for Islam.
  • cjdhdkyzitzurzjtsutayra
    The GOAT
    Omar Suluiman is the GOAT 🐐 of Islam.
  • Samhgani
    Omar Suleiman mostly talks about the prophets friends, family and the people around him. It better helps us understand the prophet, his sunnah and what we can take out of his speeches. They are truly great and understandable.
  • miss zibary
    Your podcast changed my life for the better
    Thank you so for making this amazing podcast you literally changed my life for the better instead of listening to songs I listen to your podcasts wherever I go, sometimes I start crying because of your episodes I cry because of love may Allah bless you grant you al ferdaws.
  • hello snd hi
    Thank you
    I would just like to say thank you for making this amazing prodcast❤️❤️
  • EdenSv
    Excellent job!
    Thank you for sharing valuable knowledge. Dr. Omar Suleiman is very soft spoken, his lectures are super easy to comprehend and keep up with, suitable for listening with the family. We really appreciate that he also brings up to discussion topics that are of particular interest for the younger generation of muslims. Allahuma barik 🤍
  • Rkdunston
    What in the world
  • Sh.Alam
    Much needed during difficult time.
    My first time listening to podcast and mashallah Omar brother is very knowledgeable and explain clearly. Been listening the entire Ramadan on my free time. So much to learn and eye opening mashallah. May Allah reward you for all your for this ummah. Please continue your work because it is needed!
  • SamraArsil
    Thank u
    May Allah bless grant u jab at u’ll firdous! Without any test! Ameen and bless all ur listeners with the same amount of love u have for deen❤️
  • lb1707
    What if I fail?
    One night I was driving home from work listening to “ what if I fail” and it touched my heart so heavy I couldn’t even sleep that night , the next day I ran to a nearby Masjid and took my shahada! I was learning about Islam for a few months before that day and that talk just confirmed what was in my heart already. May Allah continue to bless you with wisdom and words that encourages people to run to him!
  • Suhail usa
    How Muslim still Believe in this
    Want to hurt people like you talking about something like that I just feel sorry for us as Muslim. All this is like 1,001 nights stores Please before trying to educate people, please listen to what you say.
  • محمد عرجون
    Great speech خطاب عظيم
    Vraiment très bon discours qui aide à développer nos connaissances sur l’islam et aussi d’améliorer notre langue anglaise. فعلا هو خطاب رائع يساعد على تنمية وتطوير الرصيد المعرفي حول الدين الإسلامي وأيضا يساعد على تطوير اللغة الانجليزية
  • Ameer.Alkadi
    Great podcast and very knowledgeable presenters!
    I love Imam Omar, he’s a very knowledgeable, smart, and loving person. I inspire by people like him, and I hope one day I get to meet him inshallah!
  • Kyautagogo
    The Best!
    This is one of the best powerful podcast I’ve heard on mental health, I am one of those people guilty of toxic positivity especially when it comes to the emotions of my children. I always felt they were strong enough to weather the storm and they’re well equipped with mechanisms of imaan. Now listening to all these scholars on mental health vis-à-vis our Islamic jurisprudence and perspectives it gave me an opportunity to searchinwards and the resolve to do better next time when counseling and listening to others pains and agitations. SubhanAllah! This is a life changing webinar that everyone must listen to especially people like us that operates in gender based violence. Ma’asha Allah! You have no idea how much you have enriched my soul! I normally run away from podcasts that lasts more than hour but this, I kept listening to over and over again to equip myself with the lessons and teachings that will help me advance my mission better. JazakAllahu khayran. May Allah continue to bless you and enrich us all with more insights and knowledge to help HIS Ummah. Allahumma Aameen. BarakAllahu fiyqum...
  • JebsM
    He is so Knowledgeable and his voice is a blessing
    Since the day I listened to one of his lecture he became my favorite. May Allah bless him in this duniya and akhira. 🤲.
  • Wanderalot
    Islam is false! Jesus is Lord!!!
  • Jayden's Muvva
    Juz 17
    I love this podcast. As a new Muslim it is extremely helpful with understanding as I read Quran and also understanding Islam. Juz 17 review with the sister was beautiful. Mashallah! I had chills when she gave her insight and how it connected to her son riding a bike. Shukran for this podcast. May Allah continue to bless everyone listening and everyone who provides insight. Alhamdulillah
  • warsan nuura
    Absolutely amaze my Allah reward you all the work you do for this ummah. It is much needed one. JazakaAllah
  • Sabah ha
    Sabah Ha
    Mashala May Allah reward you all, I listen to this podcast every day whenever I’m free especially in the evening with my family please keep doing this even after Ramadan Inshala.
  • SaraSheikh
    Mashallah so lovely
    Mashallah so lovely to listen to! The Juz khutbas as well as the ‘ meet the prophet’ are really helping make my Ramadan special. Thank you! May you be rewarded in this life and the next !
  • chukumake
    Great lectures
    I love listening to these lectures . I have learned a lot about my religion. May Allah bless and grant you Jannah.
  • ali tsepo
    Listening to you Omar has transformed me a lot..may Allah guide you on the right path always..our world needs people like you. I guess Ibrahim AS dua worked on you .
  • With Allah is true reward
    May Allah build you a home in janna and bless you in this dunya. Alhamdullilah for Muslims like you in this world .
  • machende90
    Great preacher!
    May Allah reward you in all your good works for guiding people like me and for giving us better clarity on what Islam is all about! I really love how you use the ayas from the Quran to back up what the sermon is all about! MashaAllah!
  • khadijahRA
    Excellent Iman booster.
    I recently went through a divorce and started driving for Uber. I love that I can listen while I drive. This podcast has taught me so much about my religion , inspired and motivated me all while bringing me closer to Allah. I love the calmness and clarity.
  • Tahero
    Subscribe. 5star it. Share it.
    This is exactly what I have been waiting for. Alhamdulellah. I love Sh. Omar for Allah's sake bc of the accuracy of the knowledge he spreads forward. May Allah reward and accept from us all iA!!
  • Saleh Hady
    جزاك الله خيرًا
    Asalaamualaikum Warahmatullah. Thank you very much for this, such a great way to spend my commute. 1 request, please add more speakers/lectures: -Green Lane masjid -Okasha Kameny -Abu Usamah At Thahabi -Aqeel Mahmood جزاك الله خيرًا
  • Jafari5
    Islam for the 21st century
    Omar Suleiman is one of the few modern Islamic scholars that today's youngsters can relate to. These podcasts are audio taken from the recorded videos. Would be great to produce podcast shows to cover different topics.
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