Art of Power


They changed the world. So can you. Each week, award-winning journalist Aarti Shahani meets fascinating humans who've done big things. They answer two questions: (1) How does power work in the real world, anyway? (2) How has wielding power changed you?
The movement begins here.
Listen now. Let your volcano erupt.

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Recent Reviews
  • Jaizi mom
    Great podcast
    Aarti has a knack for getting the most inspiring stories and sound advice from some of the most influential people in the world. Love this!
  • Alex in Chicago
    When is the next season being released?
    Great show can’t wait to hear more
  • MarieLC67
    Love this!
    I think Aarti Shahani is a very talented interviewer, and she gets her guests to reveal more than I think I have ever heard from any other interviewer.
  • Wantingfashion
    Addicted to Art of Power
    Can’t stop listening to this podcast! The guests have excelled in wildly varied fields, but Aarti keeps each episode focused on what is teachable from their journeys. She’s a warm but probing interviewer who can elicit new info from familiar figures. My fave guest so far is Audrey Tang, who blew my mind about the possibilities of direct, tech-enabled democracy. Also, why being non-binary is a superpower.
  • duncheka
    Stirring and inspiring
    I rarely save podcast episodes and I’ve saved four so far from Art of Power—the interviews with Sal Khan, Robyn Arzón, Audrey Tang, and Daria Kaleniuk were particularly moving and superb. Thanks for a tremendous body of work so far, Aarti and team.
  • Needa remote
    #1 Karen
  • ScottSent
    People who power change!
    A podcast for those who created their own table to sit at. Interviews with current impresarios and activists who seek to empower their fellow human family instead of themselves. If you have ever wanted to get to know former "Roe v. Wade" attorney Gloria Allred or Hollywood script scout and dare I say future studio head Franklin Leonard on a more personal level then I would recommend listening.
    Very insightful
    Often has guests I’ve never heard of, but offers insightful perspectives on amazing things these people are doing. This is becoming one of my favorite must hear podcasts.
  • Fuboboy
    NPR Power.
    Hip pod. Hella interesting + intriguing and inspiring. Thank you.
    Great thought provoking show…
    Hmmm…great challenge WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO FIX THIS BROKEN WORLD? …starting a few months ago I bring a plastic bag on my morning walk to pick up litter…it’s a start…
  • Magic Propaganda Mill
    We need more shows like this
    I really enjoy this show. In this crowded podcast space, it’s refreshing to have a women leading the conversation who is also a person of color, and who is knowledgeable about both immigrant and working-class lived experiences. I suspect these are just some factors in what helps drives conversations with her guests in different directions than you’ve usually heard them speak on other shows before. Shahani is smart with her curiosity; she’s an excellent writer and interlocutor, meticulous in her questions and still adept in the unscripted banter. Great listening!
  • Karen Anna
    Amazing interviews
    The most recent one was about a black community organizer who had started a movement to help black girls. As a white woman, the biggest insight for me was how the community protected men who had abused black women and girls. The interview also covered other topics including how this woman recovered from a rape as a young girl and how she felt, after starting the me too movement, when it was taken over by white women.
  • Vickwigg
    This is a great podcast with down to earth lessons from a variety of guests who are honest to talk about their failures as well as their secrets of success. I always take away lessons from each episode. Thank you Aarti!
  • ClevelandJoel
    Speaking truth of power
    I love that this show focuses on power as a tool for change, not a whip to use on others. I’m surprised at how rarely activists and communities talk about power — power is central to community and social justice organizing. This podcast highlights that.
  • Bach lady
    The Best!
    By far the most engaging podcast out there. I loved listening to Aarti when she was on NPR, and she’s even better (if that’s possible) here. What an interviewer! And what guests! I particularly love her summation of three takeaways at the end of each show.
  • LindaVee002
    Art of Power
    Aarti is whip smart and deftly holds her own with the best of the best. Whether it’s deep thinkers or deep emotional dives, she asks great and insightful questions that elicit great and insightful answers. I always learn something about the person she’s interviewing, even if I think I already know about them. My favorite is the “3 lessons” recap at the end of each episode. Everything about her approach and execution is stellar.
  • AZacked
    Stellar, thoughtful interviews!
    I’m only a two episodes in, but this has already become my favorite podcast discovery in recent memory. The interviews are intensely interesting with the show’s unique focus on “power,” how it manifests and how those with their own feel about it. Aarti Shahani’s approach to interviewing is very fresh, as she remains firmly in control of conversations with juggernaut guests and asks some not-so-easy questions — while also allowing the discussion to become candidly personal, in a way interviews with politicians and other influential figures usually aren’t. It’s earned my full recommendation!
  • ParMo123
    Powerful content
    I love this podcast. I look forward to it every week and whenever I get a chance I listen to it with my kids in the car. It’s educational to me and it is inspiring for my kids. Authentic, sincere and to-the-point. Keep up the good work!
  • Kel9255
    Soooo in love with your podcast. So far my favorites are Girls who Code, Khan & Mean Girls. First off Thank you for putting this together and thank you for speaking your truth!
  • bdbzjxhcbbxjx
    Terrific interview pod!
    This is a fantastic interview podcast! The host is confident, fearless, and so so smart, along with having a great “radio voice.” Her questions are probing and thoughtful and seem to bring out the most interesting parts of her guests. Her bullet-point-style ‘lessons learned’ at the end of the podcast are a terrific way to end the show, as well as being genuinely useful—I’ve even written some of them down to read back to myself later because they were so profound. Loved all the interviews so far—my favorites, and the ones I would probably tell new listeners to start with, are Rosalind Wiseman and Barack Obama, maybe followed by Mary Trump. But they are all great! Highly recommend!
  • lgeremy
    Great show! Plenty of insight
    Loved hearing my first episode on NPR’s Consider This and have since subscribed. President Obama shared great into his life as President, father, and storyteller. Excited for future episodes.
  • April327
    Teachers Love Khan Academy!
    Loved the episode with Sal! Khan Academy saved me before and during the pandemic as a teacher. Was great to hear his perspective on education and learning. Awesome host that asked really great questions!
  • GSDiva57
    Great take on the topic of power
    Wow! I just listened to three of your podcasts in a row. Fantastic work. I listen to a lot of podcasts and yours is so engaging, beautifully timed, provocative, and moving...thank you for a superb concept that also is inspiring me to keep at my projects as an artist working at exploring feminist empowerment. thank you!
  • esheff6868
    Impactful guests. Aarti draws out their best!
    Aarti’s interview style is familiar and disarming. You can sense her guests exhale and relax as she explores their story. She’s a rare talent.
  • S-BZEE
    That Obama Episode though!
    I am absolutely blown away by Aarti’s interview bada$$ery. As she was asking really meaningful and probing questions, I kept thinking wow, she is talking to the former President of the U.S. and she is FEARLESS. She just exudes poise, confidence and owns her place in the conversation with no hint of nerves or hesitation but she also isn’t pushy or showboaty like some journalists that seem to be trying to prove their skills. It just reads as a conversation of equals on some super interesting topics. Perhaps, it’s also a testament to Obama’s true work to be a feminist that he walks the walk of giving space for the questions and treating the interviewer with the respect she deserves. Obama’s ideas on working with male privilege by giving men more options for how “to be” is insightful and I think acknowledges with generosity some of the pain we’ve heard from some men in the Trump era as they felt threatened by the changing world. It’s easy to want to just ignore that pain or write it off as toxic masculinity but not addressing it in a meaningful way is part of what has left our country so polarized. This interview illustrates an understanding by both the interviewer and the interviewed of the deep complexities of human relationships that drive our politics and our world. I will be enthusiastically recommending this episode to several friends and can’t wait to listen to more of Aarti’s work myself!
  • Morena 75
    Aarti is Artful 🔥🔥🔥
    If you want to learn about power from the winners and sometimes losers, this is the show!!!! I am loving it!
  • cgsystems
    Inspiring and thought provoking
    The interviews are in-depth and reveal the unique approach of each interviewee on how they became a leader, even though that was not why they followed the path they did. It was their passion that directed their journey.
  • Clint SC
    My new favorite show
    Wow. This is great. Original interviews with people I really want to know about. I’m learning so much and I love the hosts friendly but so insightful questions. I can’t wait to see who comes up in the weeks to come. They changed the world - so can I :)
  • Artfreak1
    Thoughtful and insightful interview style
    I just discovered your podcast with the MARY Trump interview. I’m impressed by your mindfulness and insightful interrogatory style! It’s not easy to do what you do, and while I recognize that edits are de rigueur in the industry, your podcast flowed seamlessly and seemed effortless. I know better. It’s very hard! I’m a subscriber now! Keep up the good work!
  • Mccatcher7
    A Must Listen!
    I love Art of Power! Aarti is a fantastic interviewer and she talks to a wide range of intriguing subjects. It is honest and always leaves you feeling inspired and more powerful.
  • Sonya Soni
    Inspiring and moving
    Aarti is such a master storyteller and interweaves the political and personal so movingly.
  • ImpIrecal
    Worth your time.
    In the words of the host: Hey, this is quality, this is worth your time! Excellent food for thought, creating better understanding and making humanity better one step at a time.
  • Ju-kay
    Intimate insights into people who make change
    The people featured have accomplished a wide range of incredible things. But they’re shown as real people with their own challenges and vulnerabilities. And that is what makes each episode powerful and really valuable!
  • Mimia24
    Very engaging
    Subscribed! Really enjoyed the deep dive into the story and development of those who shape our world!
  • Enjoy-World-News
    I’ll listen to more of this series
    Very well presented. Story telling makes a simple message reverberate- “no human-being is illegal”
  • criech
    Inspiring, educational, and entertaining
    These first few podcasts are WOW 🤩. Aarti interviews these people who have had profound impact on the world with refreshing candor, and grounded in their stories — the tactics and the strategies. Let’s go!! 🔥
  • AI Sri
    Love it!
    I love the take away ‘power’ lessons that Arti Shahani summarizes at the end of every episode.
  • econ podcast junkie
    A Powerful Punch!
    Love this podcast... just subscribed! Fascinating conversations about how people choose to use their POWER. A unique perspective on CHANGE and INFLUENCE. Everyone in this position (and those who want to be!) should be listening.
  • MNHockeyMom33
    First episode shows the thoughtlessness of the host and editorial team. It's never ok to deadname a trans person, especially without even acknowledging that's what you're doing and why. Did they have permission from Isabel to deadname her? No one knows because they didn't address it or answer questions on social media. WBEZ and the host should be well aware of how harmful deadnaming is by now and if they're not, do you really trust them to cover different kinds of stories thoughtfully? They're either totally clueless or completely ok with harming minority communities.
  • PeterMcHydePark
    Great Podcast!
    If the rest ate gonna be like this, WOW!!!! Great Topic, Great Podcast! EVERYBODY LISTEN AND SUBSCRIBE!!!! Peter Mc. Hyde Park Chicago
  • TShamma89
    You Must Subscribe Now!
    (Literally) sounds like a master storyteller has assembled an ace team for this podcast. Aarti’s humor, wit, and love shine through in these inspirational conversations. ❤️ She’s a “POWER”ful woman herself - check out debut book American Dreams: American Nightmares (A Memoir). A “Library Journal Best Book” of 2019!
  • LPinTexas
    Magic to my ears
    Fantastic first episode of the Art of Power! I can’t wait to hear the next episodes and study Power from different angles and from people from all walks of life. Episode one has kept me feeling motivated and inspired to find the small moments and lean into creative exercises of power. Thank you, Aarti.
  • Kautilya's Disciple
    A great show from the best in the business
    Aarti Shahani is NPR’s rising star for a reason, and it really shows here! This is already a must-listen podcast.
  • FaceDocSF
    Moving, right out of the gates
    Episode 1 has set the bar for Aarti and Art of A power: inspiring, emotionally moving, reconnecting us with the humanity within us all. Great conversation! So very much looking forward to more this season 🤗
  • Khaleesi Reiss
    Brilliant, thoughtful, meaningful
    I truly enjoy her style, her ability to ask insightful questions and strike a chord. Wonderful. Cant wait to hear more!
  • HeatherinCville
    Really looking forward to this podcast!
    I’ve enjoyed Astro Shahani’s reporting on NPR in the past and look forward to hearing her on this podcast.
  • LysNCT
    Excellent reporting
    Really insightful host with great guests.
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