Treks and the City


From the duo who didn't mean to make you mad but somehow did, GUY ON THE INTERNET, it's Treks and the City, this time covering Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, three weeks on, one week off, at a time!For full episodes, visit the Treks and the City Patreon, here:

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Recent Reviews
  • Ricardothron
    The GO TO podcast for TNG and Laughs
    I’m a raging fan of Picard, and all of His seriousness.. Ryker is my role model, Counselor Troy in my platonic love! And all of the sudden 30 years later I encounter this two ladies that dissect every episode and transform a piece of art into a perfect 1 hr comedy show!. It is awesome! My favorite podcast by far! I’m sure Gene Roddenberry would be proud of these two.
  • fchase88
    Only recently discovered, great excuse to watch SNG from the beginning. Yes, they are not Trek experts, and yes, their discussions often get off-topic, but that’s what they promise - and hilarious
  • scatterlittlepearls
    Oh, you JEWELS!
    This podcast is exactly what I'd hoped! For real, this is my favorite podcast right now. You two are absolutely amazing. Added to my list of things that will disqualify potential suitors: reviewers who leave a <5 star review take note, I will not have sex with you.
  • baron_neutron
    Have you listened to...
    Star Trek The Next Conversation is the best podcast ever in the history of all podcasts, up to and including podcasts that may run much smoother than this one with hosts who know exactly what order their show goes in; they're still better than that...FIVE STARS!!!
  • podcast review nickname 123
    favorite parasocial internet friends
    loved the show in its TNG days and so happy to see them return (plus on-mic Skyler!) for DS9. all the gatekeeping haters in the reviews are predictable, boring, and perennially unfunny. this pod, vero, alice, and skyler are the opposite !
  • Codles
    Casual hangout with trekkies
    There are dozens of shows that do deep dive analysis on Trek, but few where it feels like you’re just hanging out with fans. This is a super fun, casual watchalong show that doesn’t take itself or Trek too seriously. Love every episode, DS9 has been a blast so far, and everyone should get on their patreon!
  • Deadza
    PFT episodes are worth your time...
    ...but the rest is a well intended mess if you want actual Trek. i wish the hosts all the best but they get bogged into the mess of their own political and personal baggage too often. at times veronica is dowm-right bigoted and its frustrating and uncomfortable. the hosts also do mental gymnastic moves to spin the stories in some specific way. like saying the Klingon Empire is just culturally misunderstood and the Federation is "human centric thinking" Klingons have slaves and commit genocide, literal planetary genocides. No thats not cultural. Thats a clear parallel to the Federations multi-species Utopian ideals. Good people oppose all oppression and fight against ALL racism. The hosts might have grown since old episodes but I just cant be bothered to invest my own time hoping the show gets better.
  • Jmtracyii
    Just listened to Alice on Love It Or Leave It…
    …and was excited to listen to this as I am a fan and love Star Trek podcasts. Unfortunately her promo appearance had the exact opposite effect as she could not correctly answer a single EASY trivia question correctly. Not ONE. Even the ones they said she got they really stretched. She noted that she doesnt know the movies, didnt watch voyager or enterprise, espoused she was a next gen person as an excuse for not knowing what pon ffar was and yet didnt know how one of the most controversial TNG episodes, The Outcast, ended, what happened in The Child and well EVERY other question. It was embarrassing to listen to. So instead of listening to this farce, please support actual fans and their podcasts and not someone who thinks they are “too hot” to know these things. (When she didnt know an answer, she also espoused she was “too hot” to know that stuff and “she has nerds for that”). The existence of this podcast is insulting to Trek and you should be thankful you are “critically ignored.”
  • AngelaScrangela
    frustratingly boring, if that's a thing
    The women who host this podcast are vapid, scattered, self-righteous (judging 1980s TV by modern standards) and so confident in their opinions that they are stated as fact. I give them a tiny bit of credit because they are upfront about the fact that they know very little about TNG and do no research. If they took a bit of time off from enjoying the sounds of their own voices and did some prep work on the episodes, they'd have more fun and we'd get a better podcast.
  • ObservantPirate
    Not what I expected
    Hardly ever actually talking about Star Trek at all, it just seems like 3 girls hitting the wine box too much with Star Trek on the tv in the background, that they *might* occasionally talk about. Love Alice on Resident Alien, but this podcast rather spoils her rep with our household. Unfortunate.
  • Sargo1942
    Came to this late - Great show
    Looking for more stuff from Alice and I stumbled upon this podcast late. I haven’t watched Star Trek, but more of a comedy fan. Great voices from Alice and Veronica, also super funny guests. My fav so far is Paul F Tompkins. Excited to listed to all these and binge some Sci-Fi on Netflix
  • Lady Undertaker
    Not for me
    As a woman who likes Star Trek it is nice to find podcasts and other media from a female perspective. I listened to 13 episodes and most of them were all over the place with a few being okay. Maybe not for my taste personally because it just did not seem like they even liked the show. Of course it’s not perfect and there are constructive ways to talk about it. But to just say Troi or Tasha are useless and the only defense is they do not know how to write strong female characters, while ignoring there more active roles in some episodes. If you want to listen to a very casual podcast that talks about sex, dating, and occasionally Star Trek Next Generation this might be for you. Not for people that are looking for in depth character analysis or episode discussions.
  • Heidi Heidi ✨
    Programmed in multiple conversations
    Love their conversations I totally get the title. 8/10 times they bring up Data being programmed in multiple techniques 🤣. It totally sounds like normal ppl talking about Star Trek rather than super nerds. Love how some guests have never seen Star Trek & some are fans of the show.
  • Bluminerva
    Pandemical Joyfullness
    The best the best the best, the silliness breaks through the TNG draft walls and you will howl. Love Alice and Veronica so much Listening to series Finale with PFT…45 min in and they have barely discussed the episode at all😂 its priceless, I love it! ❤️
  • Gearyster
    So much fun
    Love to hear their takes!
  • EmperorFlippyNips
    The most bigoted hosts in podcasting!
    In the episode I listened to... The hosts spent the first 30 minutes of the podcast refusing to touch the subject of Star Trek. Instead, they tried to bully their guests into agreeing with and supporting their body dysmorphia. The guest tried repeatedly to change the subject when the hosts started say that 16 year old girls should be getting Botox, but the hosts just talked over the guest. In the, none consecutive, 10 minutes in which they talked about Star Trek, the hosts kept complaining “Only a MALE writer would make a female character THAT vein about her looks!” When the guest was asking logistical questions about makeup or character history, the hosts always brought it back to “Botox good; writers bad!” and these points were said OVER the guest or the audio clips of the show. Finally, the end of the show was not brought about by a natural conclusion of the conversation or reaching the end of the Star Trek episode they were discussing, No! The end of the podcast was decided by one of the hosts wanting to let their cat out...
  • WantSomeGoodIndie
    Listen for the bits
    These ladies are very funny, and I really enjoy their critiques of TNG. After having watched the first 6 seasons and played back all the corresponding podcasts, here are my conclusions so far: - with few exceptions, the current episode is never a good one - very few guests have ever watched TNG prior to appearing, and often watch the wrong one in their prep for the podcast - the extras wear the old uniforms - Alice does a great impression of Troy, and the writers never took advantage of her powers - Beverly Crusher has never seen anything like this - Alexander Roschenko is the worst - Jordi lives in continuous, crippling pain and no one ever talks about it - “She kissed him in the rear torpedo bay” was Whoopi’s finest moment in the whole series Really fun listen where no one takes anything too seriously, and with occasional bits and improv that I absolutely live for.
  • LeilLikeNeil
    Chaos makes it hard to listen to
    I really want to like this show, but the amount of people taking over each other and talking through sound cues makes it really difficult.
  • R3RR
    Still laughing
    Can’t stop thinking about “Johnny Mitchell.”
  • Sara Reut
    The best
    When you type ‘Data, star trek, sexy’ into your podcast app and it delivers in the best possible way. Love the banter and their love for Star Trek is obvious. Thanks for the awesome podcast ladies!
  • Self Aware Wolf
    For Advanced Users Only
    You know people wished that their lives were like the HBO show? Well that’s how this podcast makes me feel. Like, Trek interwoven throughout everyday conversations. I’m still working my through season 1, but I can’t recommend this podcast enough. Maybe not the “traditional” format, however a lot better than many of them. And I’ve listened to a lot. There are only so many episode breakdowns I can listen to over the years; they all say pretty much the same thing. So maybe this podcast will be most enjoyable for people who’ve already watched/listened to a ton of Trek. Regardless, I am one of those people so I like the podcast.
  • RADmango
    Love love love
    I’m a fan of TNG in the casual way of having seen it every day on UPN after school as a teen (I was into Data). I love the discussion of TNG when that happens, but especially love “the city” discussion, which is basically everything else. Alice and Veronica are the best. More songs!
  • doingle-smasher
    volume issues some eps
    Ran into some episodes where the wildly varying volume levels made the pod unlistenable for me. Going from whispering to yelling depending on how close to the zoom mic, and the clips from the TNG ep barely audible. Only frustrated and writing this review because I so greatly enjoy the show on the eps where the sound is good! Looking forward to more great content from these creators:)
  • Blahblehblihblohbluhblyhbleh
    Cinco estrellas
    I think I’m in love with Veronica.
  • akwardcactus
    Alice “I did not invent the ravages of age” Wutterland for life! PS: shut up about Wind River I love that movie I hate that you’re right about it
  • va-options
    I just love these two a lot
    I hope they do all the trek shows
  • chellss33
    Lovely Chaos
    The episodes don’t always give you the discussion about Star Trek that you expect, but the discussion about Star Trek you didn’t know you needed
  • SDWater
    Trek wreck
    I mostly listen for the cringe factor of this show being poorly executed, then examined in detail by the hosts. It's weird and honest. I love when PFT is a guest, he rides the wave of chaos. The hosts fight, eat, have tech problems, fumble and have near nervous breakdowns on mic, don't listen if you dislike host talking over one another!
  • Romulwoman1989
    I really tried hard to like it, but not for me.
    Like TNG, I stuck it out through the first two seasons. Unlike TNG, it did not get better in the third. I like Alice and Veronica in their separate projects, and the application of serious or even semi-serious feminist criticism to 90’s trek is important and a really necessary counterweight to male toxicity in the fandom. And yet, I’ve been increasingly wondering if what I thought was a great but imperfect vessel for this discourse is really just a sinking ship. Even if I misunderstand the purpose of this this podcast, and this is really just a hangout podcast with a trek vibe plus sex and the city elements to the soundboard, it suffers. I just listened to a sustained three minute segment of both hosts talking with increased volume at the same time, not as much talking over each other but as if they were just talking at the same time with no regard that the other existed. As a listener, it’s physically disorienting, it happens multiple times an episode, and ultimately none of what either of they say lands. It’s difficult to listen to, difficult to follow, and sometimes I suspect that everyone involved is phoning it in and justifying it under the guise of affected disinterest. This podcast is great idea, but baffling choices, a lack of real focus on anything in particular, and a failure at even hanging out on the air make this podcast hard to listen to.
  • CaseyRoyal
    Love your show!
    But I had to turn the episode with Shawn Pearlman off. If I heard him say the word “like” again my head was going to explode. 🙂
  • Caroline763589
    It’s great to hear two cool, funny ladies talking about TNG! I love the dynamic between Alice and Veronica. I’m on the second season but so far...I love how Veronica orders food on air, and imagining what Brett looks like, the live episodes, Veronica’s defense of Troi, Alice’s Spanish, the loud morning radio hosts, and so much more. Sending all my appreciation for you and this podcast!
  • danielworkmon
    Darmok and Jalad on the ocean 👍
    I’m so glad I found this podcast! I’m a newer fan of the Star Trek shows and just finished watching TNG and Voyager and am currently working on DS9. Alice and Veronica have brought a whole new level of enjoyment to being a fan! With great chemistry between the hosts and excellent choices of guests, I look forward to every new episode and even find relistening super fun! Keep up the great work!
  • Real Robert Sims
    You two are a delightful mess.
    Great job!
  • Riker's beard was taken
    Here’s to the finest podcasters in starfleet
    Geordi is in constant pain but I’m in constant joy when I listen to this podcast.
  • Lubdadoney
    One of my Favorites
    I love listening to this podcast and look forward to new episodes each week. In fact, it’s the only one I listen to regularly. Sure, sometimes they skim over topics and talk over the show but it’s always fun and it’s never boring. The hosts clearly love the show and have a great sense of humor about it. I find it refreshing to hear sci-fi fans not taking it too seriously. I’ve listened to a ton of other Star Trek podcasts over the years. While those shows do a great job taking a deep dive into the content, history, and philosophy of the franchise, not a single one is as entertaining and “Treks and the City”. Listening to Veronica and Alive is like watching Star Trek with my friends, which is something that never happens because most of my friends hate Star Trek. So, it’s nice to spend some time with this show.
  • Geordi's Pain
    All Demographics will laugh and enjoy
    I watch the episode and listen to these two witty, intelligent, funny women. It’s truly a Star Trek Podcast because everyone belongs here.....except rape gangs
  • Jon Snobody
    It’s good for your ears
    I always have a good time when I listen to this pod. I usually listen to the eps with the guests I know, but all of those have been great (: SUPER five stars!
  • yourauntfromthecity
    TNG fun
    long and sloppy and noticing the wigs—just the way I like it.
  • TheMicahphone
    Yes listen.
    Thank you. I listen and laugh. Enjoy it a lot. I don’t even like Star Trek. Funny times make for good time on show.
  • William Krystal
    Neelix and chill
    The episodes I enjoy most are when the guests are fans of the show, I like the meandering nature of the conversations but wish there wasn’t a time limit on the episodes so they wouldn’t have to rush through the show at the end. Also love the soundboard and improv fake commercials and songs.
  • petecartwright
    it's a good and nice show
    nothing has made me happier on a podcast than when veronica calls the ship "upstairs" and the planet "downstairs". what a treat.
  • rampoul
    Like many of the other reviewers I really enjoy the perspectives and personalities of the hosts and their guests. Unfortunately the lack of organization and consistency really undercuts their point of view. On more than one occasion they have told the guest to watch the wrong episode prior to taping, and frequently show up late to the studio. Furthermore, multiple guests have wondered if the recording is actually starting because it is so unorganized and half-assed that is shocking to the guest. Examples of the chaos in an episode: answering their phone during the session, talking over one another, showing the guest photos on their phone unrelated to the show and completely ignoring the other person talking, leaving the session to get food, interrupting conversation with unrelated sound drops, leaving to go answer the phone, wildly inconstant volume levels from audio clips making it hard to hear either the clip or the conversation, the hosts not introducing the guests, the hosts not introducing themselves, not introducing the point of the show, or not even letting the listener know that one host is gone for the recording, etc. It is really infuriating to have an episode be so slipshod, as it obfuscates such a great core friendship dynamic that is fun to be witness to. Undoubtedly they are having fun but is actually stressful to listen to in one stretch, so it normally takes me 3 tries to get through one episode. (Side note: Paul F. Tompkins does a great job of keeping them on track when he is a guest.) I don’t know, I hate to criticize these two talented and honest women, but the constant derailing and tonal shifts really disrupt the show sometimes, and that ruins what should be a breezy and fun recording. I think just writing this out has helped me realize that their enthusiasm for TNG has inspired me to try watching Star Trek again, so in that regard the podcast has been a success. I just don’t know if I really can keep listening to the show.
  • SeamusofTroy
    My new podcast obsession
    I have a general awareness and affection for Star Trek: TNG from watching random episodes as a kid so in the run up to the release of Picard I wanted to watch through the episodes and listen to a companion podcast. My plan only lasted one episode. Watching TNG was a chore but listening to the podcast was an absolute delight. I just started listening to more episodes and found that I didn’t need to watch the TNG episodes at all to enjoy the podcast. Veronica and Alice are smart, hilarious, genuine, and just plain silly and are a joy to spend time with, whether you know what they’re talking about or not. Anyone who likes smart, funny, and silly people should listen to this podcast.
  • aspevack
    I am Ramplu
    I cam for the occasionally talking about Start Trek, I stayed for the casual listener insults. Truly so funny.
  • IDontKnowStopAsking
    This podcast... Is the best.
    Veronica de Caracas and Alice make me laugh so hard. I listen to it at work and sometimes I laugh so much that I have to pause it and catch my breath or run into a conference room. I love this podcast. I love the structure of being about trek episodes but that they use that as a springboard for other topics keeps it so fresh and funny and worth listening to. And omg the troi impressions!
  • TheGreenNiles
    My favorite TNG podcast
    Veronica and Alice are smart and hilarious.
  • commander snuggles
    Total chaos
    The hosts and guests are funny but the sound board bits and long segments of music or star trek episodes, played at high volume while everyone yells over one another, keep me close to the fast forward button.
  • Kuothor1
    Surprisingly not what I thought it would be
    I was really worried that this was just going to be just another Sex and the City podcast. I tried out the first couple of episodes, and I'm glad I stuck with it! I found that it's not really about Sex and the City AT ALL! It's just funny people being funny. For some reason, every episode is titled after an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation.
  • SMSado
    Not a podcast for people who have auditory processing problems
    I love Star Trek and I love seeing the jokes and opinions of women as a female trekkie myself. However, they often have the episode playing in the background while talking over it. I can’t parse basically anything at these moments and lose both the thread of their convo and the episode. If you could just. Pause? Or actually pay attention? It would make the podcast must less stressful and confusing to listen to.
  • veganmac
    Loud and awful
    I’m not sure what this show has to do with Star Trek. I listened to the first thirty minutes of an episode and they didn’t mention Trek once so I gave up. As far as I can tell, it’s mostly the hosts yelling over each other with no regard for the listener. Self-indulgent, boring people who just love to hear themselves talk.
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