Raised by TV


When​ ​Jon​ ​Gabrus​ ​and​ ​Lauren​ ​Lapkus​ ​were​ ​growing​ ​up,​ ​they​ ​watched​ ​a​ ​lot​ ​of​ ​TV.​ ​Like,​ ​a​ ​LOT​ ​of TV.​ ​Now​ ​adults​ ​with​ ​minds​ ​hopelessly​ ​warped​ ​by​ ​television,​ ​they’ve​ ​come​ ​together​ ​to​ ​indulge their​ ​shared​ ​obsession.​ ​On​ ​Raised​ ​By​ ​TV,​ ​Jon​ ​and​ ​Lauren​ ​revisit​ ​the​ ​best​ ​and​ ​worst​ ​TV​ ​of​ ​the late​ ​80s​ ​and​ ​early​ ​90s​ ​-​ ​everything​ ​from​ ​game​ ​shows​ ​and​ ​TGIF​ ​to​ ​Oprah​ ​and​ ​cereal commercials.

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Recent Reviews
  • JPthr33
    Required viewing
    The chemistry here is as palpable as the Krebs cycle that occurs when I eat me some spicy wings.
  • Instantkarma81
    Super boring, not funny.
    Fin review...
  • Walter-Hartwell-White
    Used to love it
    Are used to really love that show. It started off amazing. Just too funny people talking nostalgically about the things that I loved most as a child. It’s gotten away from that. Now it’s just them interviewing Jess about their childhood barely even mentioning TV. The show is 85% asking what shows a guest watched as a child. And 15% Lauren saying she wants to use her phon less. I still think Jon and Lauren are funny, But I want then the nostalgia Rather than the interviews with people I am not sure who they are
  • emilyk18
    Best show ever!! Love the first and last episodes—please do Sopranos 💕
  • Bart Harrison
    I’m taken aback. I subscribed to Howl to listen to ‘wild horses’ and ‘Threedom’ both of which I love. I was very confused as I had paid for these shows only for one to completely stop new episodes, and the other released on iTunes a month after its ‘howl’ run. ‘Raised by TV’ is similar in that it was released on howl, and then on iTunes in a strangely different order. Now it’s going BACK behind the pay wall, and my favourite entertainers are telling me to grin and bare it?? This is not ok. I love Lauren and Jon, but this is awful!
  • Beebsalish
    Comfort food
    Raised by TV is comfort food for my ears. They talk about growing up watching tv. And they’re my age so what they watched is essentially what I watched. I’m a TV junkie so it’s nice to find your people. Love the show!
  • Francesca the Classicist
    Lacks some structure but is pretty good
    I like the podcast, but recently it’s turned into bringing in their friends and talking about childhood more than tv, which I think is nice but not why I subscribed. They also quite often cut off the guests to bring up stories we’ve heard several times already. I would like them to bring in more actors and talk about their experiences during the show and maybe even have themed episodes like they used to have (like horror movies, superhero shows, etc) It would also be great to bring in folks from younger generations who were raised by different shows and see what the differences are.
  • EricaWhitney
    Started out good
    But it quickly fail.. the new ideas are all over the place and the high energy about nothing is too high.
  • molls913413
    I love you guys dearly, but...
    Can you bring back the old segments like improvised sitcom, very special episode-reading, eating the fun 90s snacks, games, etc? It’s becoming too much of just-another -guest star podcast. There are enough of these podcasts. Lapkus and Gabrus are funny enough on their own!!!❤️❤️ I feel like they need to decide what to show is- it used to have more of a direction, I guess? Anyway, still giving it 5 stars overall!
  • cheyannecheyanne
    Listen to the episode with Billy West
    This podcast is so funny.
  • SDWater
    Not great
    This podcast runs out of steam in 3 episodes and then we are punished by really bad episode ideas. An hour on degrassi? Who is Jon levenson and why am I listening to him?
  • Jreee
    So good
    Guys, this podcast is so stinking good. Lauren Lapkus and Jon Gabrus are so fun together, I could listen to them bs all day. The guests have been great and the content is so fun and nolstagic!
  • Cryllica
    Funny and informative.
  • Dan The Big Time Fan
    Lauren & Jon are the Balki & Larry of 2018
    They are better than Balki & Larry. Their in-jokes are better than the dance of joy. Love this podcast.
  • RLopez815
    Where’s the beef?
    I liked it better when they talked about tv. Now they just have friends on and talk about living in California. I just want to hear about tv in the 80s and 90s
  • parksinla
    the odd couple
    love these two independently and together. check out all their other podcasts if you like these clowns.
  • K Lay122
    The BEST
    The best new podcast out there - I have laughed until I have had tears streaming down my face - it's also very informative about the television industry. I always thought that I was alone in the way that I watched TV, but they watch TV like I did growing up! Thanks for all the laughs!
  • SchweetPickles
    This show makes me so happy!
    Oh man, what a trip down memory lane... feels like you’re just hanging out with two of your friends, talking about all those half memories you have of watching tv as a kid. It’s not expert analysis, it’s not objective, it’s not well researched... and it’s perfect. Love love LOVE GIVE ME MORE!
  • Alaskan Neffer
    Perfect idea, sloppy execution.
    This idea is perfect. I was born in the 70’s and was raised by TV. I was ready to love this show. Unfortunately, the show fails to carry any momentum for me. The hosts are way too eager to talk over the numerous clips they “show” to the listener. Either let us hear the clip, or don’t play it! I’m not interested in listening to competing reactions to a video clip. It’s really too bad, because the subject matter is so spot on but I just don’t enjoy this... maybe live is better. I imagine it would be.
  • EkRagsdale
    The content is fun.
    It can be a show pretty funny at times but the hosts can come off as a little pretentious at times. One particular episode they talk about how annoying it is to listen to normal people’s jokes because they and they’re friends are “professional comics.” It’s a good show, I just wish the hosts wouldn’t name drop and pump themselves up quite as much.
  • JillNS
    Here for the original format
    It seems that lately John and Lauren have strayed away from specific 80's and 90s pop culture themed pods. I really enjoyed how they broached a specific topic from their/my childhood every week. The interview-based, more stream of consciousness pods of late have not been as strong. Still a fan regardless.
  • October76
    I don’t Understand
    They don’t talk about 📺 at all.
  • No Google Maps
    A fun throw back for those also raised by TV
  • LadyBearJenna
    Whatever happened to predicability?
    Did I do that?!
  • Rex_Havok
    "I believe in what I'm supposed to!"
    When they stick to what they know it's good, but their politics (Oprah ep) seem shallow and disingenuous. Both hosts clearly think they are above podcasting, Jon Gabrus less so, but it's obvious the amount of liberal pandering you here is an attempt to simply appear marketable and Hollywood-friendly.
  • JillB3441
    Fun memories!
    I forgot how cheesy, over-the-top and wonderful 80s and 90s tv was until this podcast came along! I especially love the “assemble your team” episodes, e.g. “Pick Your Clique”! Thanks for the memories!
  • badbridgey
    I laughed, I cried
    I cried 3 times actually... this Oprah episode was amazing! I will listen to anything Elizabeth Laime and Oprah— thank you!
  • Bochettesnot
    that oprah show sucked
    If these two what kept their ignorant politics to themselfs this would be a great show
  • Jaynerus
    Gabrus and Lapkus are great on this podcast. KEEP MAKING EPS! Luh u guys
  • GB Coffey
    5 stars
    An audio version of “only 90’s kids remember” memes hosted by two Member Berries.
  • Los Gatos 74
    I wanted to like this show...
    I really wanted to like this show as I am a fan of both Lapkus and Gabrus’ work on CBB. But to be honest I couldn’t deal with all of the eating on mic. No one wants to hear that. Yes, their half-remembered observations on late eighties and early nineties pop culture can sometimes be amusing. But to have to endure the lip smacking and wet mouth sounds episode after episode got to be unbearable.
  • ImNotAFanBut....
    See above
  • MattBostian
    Hyper PC dramatics.
    If you want to hear the super hard left leaning Lapkus gasp in hyper PC horror at every other joke or storyline from 80’s/90’s TV then this show is for you! Everything is found to be problematic, offensive, insensitive or racist. Lauren, who is brilliant in character, is exactly who you hoped she wouldn’t be out of character. And frankly giving some of her intentionally foul mouthed characters like Hoho and Todd, the fact that her real persona finds everything so offensive is pretty hypocritical. Disappointing.
  • Guatav Jihad
    Life Improvement
    So I am listening to today’s episode and you said what I have been telling everyone for the past couple months. I was rewatching Home Improvement and it 100% holds up and hits home much more now that I am older. It really does have life lessons. I love this podcast because it brings back so many great movies and it is great to hear Lauren and Gabrus’ memories of the classic TV I grew up with.
  • FannyDwhite
    Fun show
    I hope this series isn’t too limited I think it’s a great addition to my week
  • KBrandtjen
    Love this show
    Lauren and Gabrus are amazing so of course this show is wonderful.
  • Adam "The Mailman" Wallace
    This Podcast is Totally Rad!
    I'm addicted to nostalgia and this is the ultimate nostalgia machine. Not only is it firing the most pleasured spots of my brain, but it's reminding me of things I forgot about AND it's EXTREMELY funny and entertaining. Garbrus' humor is just like mine (Should I be worried about that?) and Lapkus has a TV Theme Song memory that is insane! My new favorite podcast for sure!
  • Tabby 1863
    So excited!
    I love hearing you guys giggle and talk about 80’s and 90’s tv!!! 🤘🏽 You guys are so funny and amazing! I can’t wait for season two!
  • c-steg
    Excited for the new season
    Five stars, nuff said.
  • Lovett's Dad
    Is it over?
    I’ll take my response off air.
  • LizzyFancyPants
    Please come back!!
    My love of Lauren Lapkis and Jon Gabrus as individuals is only surpassed by my love of them together! The dynamic between these two is just sensational, especially when paired with nostalgic moments of me thinking "Yesss!!!" nearly the whole time. It has become my favorite podcast to listen to while cleaning my apartment. Please record some new episodes before spider webs begin to appear!
  • Jayne "Sunny" Bauman
    Warhead!!! That’s so sour!!!!!! I lovvvvvvve you guys!!! What else is there to say?!?! My friends call me BING (as in the search engine, not Crosby)...and I have to say, you both are hilarious and brilliant!!!! 😘 😆
  • Thisguyrams
    Binge this podcast
    This is my youth unlocked. Awesome podcast. It’s pretty much someone reminding me of all things that influenced me as a kid. Oh man, as soon as you start a jingle I catch myself jumping right in with no problem. Like riding a bike. Dang, were we brain washed? Oh well, love those jingles.
  • Thewideworldandcamebacktothis
    Just the kind of nostalgia mining I wanted
    This is wonderful. Their age range is a few years off from mine, but they make me feel like my friends are introducing me to stuff I missed. And they are good entertainers.
  • Bhudsdjoijh
    Nostalgic happiness
    Every episode of these tangent filled conversations fills me with such happiness. I have no idea how Lauren Lapkus locked the Tiny Tunes theme song in her brain like that.
  • Anglizzie
    Oh, the 90s.
    Smells like Sun Ripened Raspberry Fragrance Mist from Bath & Body Works. Feels like a One Saturday Morning cartoon binge. Looks like a pastel windbreaker with matching breakaway pants. Tastes like an Orange Sherbet Flintstones Push Up. Sounds like channel 3 after leaving the TV on after you fell asleep on the couch and the movie already stopped rewinding.
  • fearlessweaver
    80s/ 90s nostalgia fun
    It's a real fun show, mostly simulating the experience of hanging out with 30-something friends and having a late-night chat. Don't worry if you're not a Full House expert or whatever; though I'm the right age, I didn't watch many of the shows they talk about. Still fun, and the spirit is infectious.
  • Christian Rowe
    Also raised by TV
    This podcast is an instant classic. I look forward to hearing more soon! 💛
  • Benny El
    So much fun
    I love the lighthearted nostalgia trip of revisiting tv from the 90s, and Lauren Lapkus and John Gabrus are wonderful hosts with terrific chemistry.
  • tennis hopper
    get a life losers
    i love these two and also boob toobed my yooth
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