PediaCast: Pediatric Podcasts for Parents
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Chelsea BornDiabetes episodeAs a pediatric nurse, I found this to be an excellent podcast-good for healthcare providers as well as for cildren and parents.
Supriya PatelExcellent podcast to listenDr Mike has been doing an excellent job. We are looking forward to listen his new episodes
BennyPackGreat info for parents and caregiversDr. Mike is great at giving nuanced info in a simple way, and making good points for at-home discussion. Some episodes are deep dives into a single broad topic, and other are general news of the day for a big audience. So glad Nationwide Children’s Hosptial does these!
JRaoBrownGreat quality informationI really appreciate Dr. Mike taking the time and effort to put together these well researched and informative podcasts. I frequently listen to a range of podcasts, both educational and just for fun, and it is rare to find such a quality podcast for the general public. I just have one minor suggestion- please shorten your introduction. I usually have to fast forward through the first 10 mins as it takes this long for the content to start.
SliphamUseful and informative.As a mom and nurse practitioner I enjoy listening to PediaCast. I started listening to the podcast while I was in NP school during my pediatric rotation. It was a great tool to elaborate on subjects we were covering in class and clinicals. Now that I am a mom, I find that there is an episode for all of my concerns. Dr. Mike consistently provides the most up to date evidence based information. Thanks PediaCast!
hemlock4Amazing podcast!I am a huge fan of this podcast! Dr. Mike provides amazing and current evidence-based pediatric information for parents and caregivers.
ChuckleCriticHuge Help to ParentsThis podcast is so informative about an enormous range of topics. Fun to listen to! It covers many things you might not have time to discuss with your doctor or might not have thought about.
Lnr103Thank you Dr MikeI listen to your podcasts everyday at work - I'm hooked. I particularly enjoy when you have interviews with specialists in the field. The episode when you had a guest speaker discussing food allergies (and the LEAP study) as well as the guest speaker discussing kiddos with feeding difficulties I found enormously helpful . Im an Early Intervention nurse and find the thorough evidence based breakdown of common concerns useful in my day to day practice. Keep me coming!! I often recommend episodes to both parents and other clinicians I work with. Thank you!!
listener from BoiseGreat information for parents!I discovered this podcast about 5 months ago. I’m so glad that I did. The information presented on the show is helpful, practical advice. Dr. Mike shares it in such a way that it makes me feel as if I am having a friendly conversation with my son’s pediatrician. Highly recommended!
JoejoeNPFamily Nurse PractitionerI share this with all my pediatric patients and families!!! What a great evidenced based not evidence only resource! Thank you for creating such a great podcast!
MoosekeeperDr. Mike is AwesomeI love this podcast.
Educated Mom 111Great PodcastA great podcast for evidence based medicine and updates on the latest research. Highly recommended!!
madisonknjVery good podcastI really liked that he's a doctor but also mentions the studies published on which his opinions are based.
iBeth01Very informative and enjoyableThis podcast gives you an informative evidence-based overview of big topics (hip dysplasia, food allergies, teen cutting), going beyond what you learn from the usual medical websites. Dr. Mike brings in specialists and gets them to explain things clearly, without condescending, and he answers questions that parents send in, like, "Is W-sitting bad for my child?" The podcast covers topics relevant to kids of all ages . . . and it's enjoyable. I've been listening for years and recommend it to anyone who wants to learn more about children's health.
J WilburnIf you are a parent, listen to this Podcast!Ever since I joined the ranks of all you smart phone users, I've been listening to podcasts, and this is a favorite. For those of you who have kids that you like and want to care for properly, Dr. Mike Patrick offers guidance on a wealth of topics, from ear infections and sleep training to picky eaters and vaccine safety. I like him partly for who he is not - a charlatan Internet mama spreading harmful ideas - but mostly for who he is - an honest pediatrician/parent sharing useful, EVIDENCE-BASED parenting information. Check it out!
TrailrydrReally good resources for parents!I've been listening to this podcast for years and really enjoy Dr Mike's show and his unbiased take on all kinds of kid's problems/diseases. They are very helpful and a super good resource for parents out there seeking professional views on various issues about their kids. Love this show and good work on Dr. Mike.
mcdbarPEDIATRICIANsimply the best ,informative complete and practical Thanks for all your great work
mapletree7Good for parentsJust detailed enough to be super useful.
Paradise crochetLots of informationThanks for the opportunity to parent with a little more knowledge on my children's health!
Expectant mommy in OhioExcellent resource for parentsAs a clinical researcher and expectant mom, I was looking for a podcast that would provide understandable yet scientifically sound information for parents. I found just that in Pediacast. Dr. Mike is engaging and clear. I appreciate that he avoids overinterpreting the results of research studies, particularly non-experimental studies, and I especially appreciate the many knowledgeable pediatric specialists that he brings on the show. Keep up the good work!
mom_99Excellent, evidence-based podcastI have been listening to Pediacast for years. As a clinical scientist who teaches about evidence-based medicine, I am really impressed with the quality of this podcast. And it's entertaining! Dr. Mike is funny, engaging, and and informative. He offers detailed information about the topics he covers, but you don't need to be a scientist or medical professional to follow along. He really is an excellent communicator, and I learn so much from listening.
CupcakeconeracerVery professionalLove all topics Dr. Mike talk about and also that he invites specialist. It is easy to understand.
Lacy from AzLong time listenerI love pediacast! I've been listening to it for years! The information Dr. Mike discusses is so informational!
New mom to JamesNew ListenerI just have birth to my first child 2.5 months ago and was thrilled when I found this podcast! I love how thorough the episodes are on each topic. I am definitely a permanent subscriber now. Keep up the good work!
KristinaPAInformative, Interesting, Necessary for All ParentsI am a working mother of two and this podcast is vital to keeping my sanity. Dr. Mike quickly distills information that is both interesting and applicable to all parents. Incredible resource. THANK YOU Dr. Mike!
AnsleighJPediacast is informative - not just for parentsLove Dr. Mike so far--he gives information at an appropriate level for the educated parent. I don't even have children, but as a healthcare provider I can learn from the way he explains concepts at a level that a general audience can follow. I often observe disconnect between providers and patients/families - not because the family can't understand a concept, but because the provider doesn't give them enough credit to give it an honest try. Dr. Mike gives relevant details in a way that makes sense but without 'dumbing it down' or being dismissive. This podcAst is worth a shot :)
RisMamaSubscribe to this podcast.Dr. Mike is so good at addressing common issues in a comforting manner. I love this podcast!
Kate714MDGreat for parents- and med studentsI found this during my pediatrics clerkship in med school 2 years ago and love it- he goes into enough detail and is great at answering questions parents will ask me as a pediatric resident.
urracasIt's like having Dr. Mike sitting on your couch.Clear, precise information on topics all parents will find useful at some stage in their child's growth. Listening to Dr. Mike feels like having your doctor friend sitting on your couch discussing the latest findings in medicine research.
LindabeeeebNot just for parents of young children.I hesitated to download this podcast because I figured it was for parents with babies and toddlers. Topics pertaining to those ages are covered of course but there is also information for parents of older kids including high schoolers and college students. It is definitely worth a listen!
EkeefnerAmazing Podcast for all with ChildrenI have tried to find other pediatric podcasts and have to say that PediaCast is by far the best. The podcasts and discussions are well thought out and highly informative. Most importantly Dr. Mike uses language that is understandable to all. One of the best parts of this podcast is that it is evidence based. Answers to questions are based on real research and not gut feeling or personal bias. I highly recommend this podcast to anyone with children or who have frequent interaction with children.
LadyTiaraCoolLove the show!! Dr. Mike is very easy to listen to. I like that he presents evidenced based research and also tells his personal experiences.
EricWeintraubWell doneMy wife and I really enjoy the fact based info every episode.
UltimateLJVery informativeThis podcast is informative. I also liked that its backed up by evidence and that you can more info on their website.
irishlenInformative and FunI like the podcast. It gives a lot of good information and is fun to listen to. I have not heard a lot of political ranting on the show as many past commenters have talked about, but I've only been listening for about a year. A lot of those comments seem to be from about 2-3 years ago. Maybe he's toned that down a bit.
Laura2234Speaks to parents like intelligent adults!I appreciate that Dr. Mike focuses on evidence-based medicine and treats parents like intelligent adults who want the best for their children.
samiamgreeneggshamApproachable science based informationExtremely well done
Flyingthe9Love listening to Dr. Mike!I love Pediacast! Would recommend to all parents/child care providers!
Tennisplayer2691Great Podcast!! (from a nursing student's perspective)This podcast is extremely informative and interesting! I am a nursing student, and I find the show to be very clear and organized in a way so that a parent or medical professional can understand it (it is even more clear than some of my classes in school) There are many different topics that one can choose and I suggest the show to any parent or nursing student or nurse or resident or doctor that's interested in learning more about the health issues of children!!
ScienceOfBobMD and Scientist ReviewIf you're looking for a well-reasoned, scientifically accurate, easy-to-understand, evidence-based podcast on anything and everything relating to pediatric medicine, Pediacast is the podcast for you. I am finishing a PhD at Stanford and my wife is a first year family medicine resident and we both love Pediacast! We regularly recommend Pediacast to our friends and family. Keep up the great work, Dr. Mike!!!
pveldh91MD and parent reviewI'm a pediatrician in Wisconsin and I have listened to Dr. Mike faithfully for a year now. My wife (and mother of 3 boys) listens as well, and we BOTH really appreciate the podcast. He does a great job relating to both of us and we often have some interesting discussions after listening. I love research roundup and my wife loves parent questions, but we both like the whole podcast. Dr. Mike occasionally interjects opinion, but always makes it clear what is scientifically backed and what is his own advice/opinion. Poor reviews seem to be more related to his opinions or seem to be outside of what we currently hold to be true scientifically and medically and are "fringe" beliefs (not to be ignored, but addressed and not suggested until proven). I strongly recommend this podcast to all and have even begun recommending it to my patients.
Bob from ILBest Pediatric Info in any PodcastPediacast brings expertise from a real pediatrician at a real hospital. Already you're way ahead. Additionally, the host is professionally supported by the OSU Hospital to produce the podcast, so it comes out regularly and is of very high quality. I have been a listener for years. The information in the podcast varies form the very practical parenting (potty-training, tantrums) to the very technical (reviews of recent literature articles). The breadth of information is outstanding. The retelling and viewpoint of the technical articles is perfectly suited to interested non-experts who can't decode all the jargon. You will get a lot of practical know-how as well as become better educated in biology, physiology and medicine. You can't find a resource like this anywhere other than cornering your own pediatrician for an hour a week (good luck). I have long subscribed to a numer of pregnancy-infant-toddler-pediatric podcasts and this is the clearly the best of the mix.
sillyyakmomWell-researched info!Pediacast presents topics / questions relevant to most parents and presents the research to back it up! I look forward to listening to each new episode. (and great archives too!) I've seen reviews that seem to devalue the whole podcast because at times Dr. Mike's commentary also includes his conservative views (politically) and the spin those views might have on his view of the medical system, etc.. While I am most decidedly on the opposite side of the fence in that area, I find that the vast majority of the information he is providing is based in scientific fact, medically tested standards, and his years of experience as a pediatrician. I find that I do not need to suscribe to all of his views in order to get benefit out of the podcast. (it's that risk-benefit analysis - there is a risk that I might hear an opinion of his that I disagree with but the benefit of what I am learning that makes me a more educated parent outweighs this risk).
Simple GalInformative and logicalI like this podcast because it is evidenced based and explains information necessary to make an informed decision about my child's health and care. While he doesn't and can't explain every view point on every topic he does an admirable job of explaining why the recommended treatment/ view point is the recommended one. Other ratings/comments here have complained because he expresses his opinion in the podcast. When you consult a doctor that is what you get--their opinion. An educated, well formed opinion on what you should do. FYI: To those who complained about his political views, I don't know about you, but how any healthcare/insurance changes affect my child's insurance, doctor and hospital affect my child and thus are relevant information in a podcast on pediatric medicine.
LaVerne mommyGreat info!I love listening to Dr Mike! I love the experts he gets on the show to discuss current evidence based pediatric issues as well as answering listener questions. This is a great podcast and I recommend it to anybody with an interest in children's health.
k11r11Dr. Mike & Nationwide ChildrenDr. Mike has teamed up with Nationwide Children's Hospital and they do a great job of keeping us abreast of reseach- based issues for babies through adolecenses. Dr. Mike takes listeners' questions, relative news you can use, and has great guest speakers from his wide range of doctors he has at his disposal from Nationwide Children's Hosptial. It is a fantasic combination and I enjoy listening every week. The topic base is wide range and far reaching and you learn something new with every show. A must "listen" for every parent!
soontobeasurgicalresidentLove the PediaCast.I am IMG from Russia. Currently I live in States and study for USMLE step 3 exam. I love to leasten to Dr. Mike's podcast while driving in my car or doing something at home. PediaCast has a lot of interesting topics and most of the times I dodn't even notice that I've spent an hour leastening to Dr. Mike. He knows how to keep you interested in pediatric medicine and entertained at the same time. This podcast helps me a lot in my preparation for the Step 3 exam. Thank you, Dr. Mike and keep a great work!
LisaloutxGreat podcast for parents with kids of all agesI really like this podcast as it covers health issues for kids of all ages.
broooooooooooooookePerfect for New ParentsI am expecting my first child, and this podcast has been a great resource and introduction to the world of pediatrics. Thanks for all the information & I will be sharing the link on my blog soon!
nursing student 101Love this podcastNursing student who loves this podcast! I have learned so much and look forward to every new episode. Thanks for spreading the knowledge!
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